Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Smart Witch

I like to follow a few people on my FB page (because let's face it - I don't have a lot of time to search around the internets) and I came across Elizabeth's page...
and I love it.  It is a clear webpage of the Magickal arts and the things that she posts on FB are insightful - Like this one:

Be Certain, Be Clear

Before you perform an act of magic, you must be certain – absolutely clear – on why you are doing it and what you hope to achieve.

Determine why you are planning to use magic in every case, and consider whether you really have tried to attain your goals through non-magical means.

Consider whether your actions will be for the good of all, and not merely in your own self-interest. Are you absolutely sure that your magical action will not harm anyone? Then proceed.

Seeing things like this on my FB feed makes me think about my own practice and how I can make ritual better...or my spellwork better...or just to know the God/dess better...

We all need to share in the experience together...who do you follow?  Why?  How do you share your insights?  Should you share?


Friday, September 13, 2013

Ritual Errors

This is a follow-up post from John Beckett on his Ritual Outlines post on Patheos.  I have been leading rituals for many years now (both Public and Private) and, again, John nails very common missteps that could happen to any leader.  The point of Ritual is to be in the light of your chosen deity.  It is not the job of the Priest/ess to get you there...our job is to create the space so YOU can get there.

There are many of us who are frightened of taking the lead on Rituals.  "What if I mess up?"  "I don't want to be the centre of attention"  "You do it so much better than me"...Let's look at this for a minute.

Some of us truly do not want to be in a position to lead the group (those people can be the ones that do the Blessings of the Elements or of the offerings).  However, it is unfair for everyone to have the same person lead all the time.  Circle should be a communal affair.  Big public circles can have a give and take by calling out ideas or people.  Smaller groups should have everyone taking turns.   Assigning a blessing or a meditation to someone is a wonderful way to start this.  The person that "always" leads/coordinates needs some time to be in the spirit of the circle as well.  Sometimes, it is difficult for me, when I am leading a circle, to be in Goddess-space because I am usually worrying about the candles or the incense or if everyone is in the right space.  You can easily be burnt out by this.  The teacher needs recess as much as the kids do.

I love how John puts this next paragraph on if you flub a line or incantation or whatever...

If there’s a minor error, either ignore it or quietly correct it and keep going. The ritual isn’t going to fail and Lugh isn’t going to strike you dead just because you left a line out of an invocation. If you realize you forgot to light the incense, quietly light it before the next invocation – it will look like it was supposed to be that way. Never, ever apologize or call attention to a minor error.

Personally, I am terrible at this.  I always point out my mistakes and laugh about it.  Ritual will always be joyful to me.  It is a place where I can be free.  When I feel that I cannot be free or joyful and it becomes tedious and you say out loud "I don't want to do this" then its time to move on....or take a long get back to your center so you can get back to leading again.

Enjoy reading this article here.

Think about what YOU like to do in ritual...WHY do you go?  WHAT does it give you?
Please leave a comment or 2!


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ritual Outline

I can make a circle in a few days and I know the outline by heart...I have also been practicing for 20 years now.

CUUPS VP John Beckett writes, "Over the past nine years I’ve developed my own ritual outline. It has its roots in these two books, in various on-line rituals I’ve found, in the rituals of OBOD, in public rituals I’ve attended and in years of trial and error in practice with Denton CUUPS. Very little is my original work.
This liturgy works well in circles of 15 up to about 60 or 70."

Check out this great outline...John gives you all the tools you need for a beginner or for a veteran to create circle space and have a good ritual...and good explanations to boot!

Just in Time for Mabon!

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Charge of The God

Wicca is a Feminist Religion honoring the sacred mother...but I do not like to forget about the sacred father.  Not Jesus, Not Yahweh, Not Jehovah but Pan, Baal, Cernennos, Osiris...The sexual god of the goddess - her brother, lover, son and partner.  Jason Mankey wrote an absolutely beautiful Charge of the God and shared it today on Patheos...I urge you to read the article here and enjoy the charge:

The Charge of the God
by Jason Mankey
Revealed now are the words of the Great God. He is the ancient one, whose face has appeared in many roles throughout eternity.

I am he who abides in the deepest darkest woods. It is my place to be with the creatures of the forest running in the cloak of blackest night. With bow strung across my back I make my home with the Earth. I am the defender of the sacredness of nature. I am the Great God.

I am he whose light and warmth brings forth life from the soil. My warmth is the covenant of union between Lady and Lord. My brow is the radiant crown of summer, the glow about me my promise of eternal light. I am the Great God.

I am he who is magick, creator of eternal energy, the catalyst of beneficial change for all who would walk in the Old Ways. My whispers are those of tomorrows revealed and knowledge to be granted. I am the power to see and do all things. I am the Great God.

I am the trickster, scourge of all those methodical and over analyzing. I am the trouble in the best laid plans, the unexpected when all seems well. I am the chaos in a world of balance. I am the Great God.

I am he whose gift is the vine, the never ending chalice of intoxication. My presents are those of joy: wine, dance, and the freedom to be without care. Merriment and mirth to me are great honor for the joy of the folk is my reward. I am the Great God.

I am the cosmic god, one with all aspects of the universe. It is the stars which provide the sparkle in my eyes, a multitude of planets make up my body, and a thousand suns burn together as my heart and soul. I am the Great God.

I am he who abides in the skies, bringer of thunder and sender of lightning. I give the blessings of rain to the parched and hungry land. I command the winds that turn the seasons. I am he whose face can be seen amongst the clouds. I am the Great God.

I am the horned one, ancient god of fertility. It is my seed which brings forth life in the great womb. I am the bringer of physical pleasure, god of lust, god of the flesh. I give the joys of bodily union to all who ask. I am the Great God.

I am he that stands at the threshold of death, and life eternal. I welcome those who have departed your world and bid farewell to those who return to it. I guard the mysteries of the end and the wonder of beginnings. I am the Great God.
Worship me side by side with the Lady. Honor me and I shall abide forever within you. For as long as tolerance, happiness, and righteousness exist, the true God will eternally reign. I am love, I am eternal, I am a part of all things. I am the Great God.

I am the sacrificial god. It is my blood that is poured out upon the Earth so the soil may be renewed, and those that need forgiveness may receive it. I care naught for myself, only for those who serve me. I am the Great God.

I am the god of love. My arrows awaken desire in the hearts of women and men, and it is my poison which makes many foolish in the name of love. I affirm the commitment between those who choose to share heart, mind, body, and soul. I am the Great God.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

11 things....

This article by Dr. Stephen Cowen is profound.  It talks about what he wishes every parent knew when raising a child.  I think it is an article to remind yourself not only about your kids but about who you are...

Read it here...

What 11 things do you wish everyone knew?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How Wiccans do it...

This was a nice article about what Wiccans actually do in circles... I thought it was timely considering the 10 spiritual diseases article.  What do you actually believe and does your service or church provide that to you?

Read it Annie Finch


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

10 diseases you could spiritually catch!

Great Article on being spiritual and some misconceptions in being spiritual...By Mariana Caplan...
Tell me...are you guilty of any of these?

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blessed Beltane

Beltane, for me at this time, has been difficult and filled with family obligations.  My hubby and I are trying to break out of some bad habits that have hindered progress on the house and yard and we are trying to not let it drown us.

As for circles, it hasn't happened the way I wanted it to.  I really wanted to go and meet some new pagans but my sisters needed time too - so I chose to see my sisters and we did an impromptu circle/sharing time on the beach...and then we went to a Japanese hibachi restaurant for dinner and that was our Beltane fire.  It was a wonderful afternoon (plus SAKE!)

The next day we had the Maypole at my church but we opened it up to sacred time...and the energy of children (even tho I love it) is not the energy I wanted for the circle.  The ribbons were braided and wishes were made but it wasn't the same as a full circle of sharing energy and love.

Allison Leigh Lilly wrote about Beltane and how to have it sex-free.  To me this article is a reminder that it is about the moments of life and that every holiday has a deeper and different meaning.  Its not always about the sex or the grand circles and bonfires...sometimes its about putting your feet in the ocean and handing a ribbon to a toddler...


Blessed Beltane and Happy Spring!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Gods...they are a-changing...

Its funny.  I have been thinking of this more and more.  The Gods of old are around but they have changed from what they were in ancient times.  They have come a long way to help guide us.  I am not talking about Athena on a cell phone but more of interpreting all sides of the Gods for our day and age.

Let me give you an example:  I have been honoring Hera, as my personal Goddess lately.  She is queen of the family.  We always see her in the old stories as a shrew of a wife, angry at Zeus' transgressions...but we have never really heard about how she interacts with her children (except Hephaestus and, really, every mother has been annoyed that their kids didn't turn out to be what they doesn't mean they don't love them).  We also haven't really heard about what she was like BEFORE Zeus "took" her.  We only ever hear that she is mad, angry, jealous.  Well, you would be pretty pissed off if anything anyone knew of you was just the story of how you got married!

I see Hera is a compassionate Goddess.  She is Earth.  She loves the sea and sky.  She knows the darkness of death and rebirth.  She is wisdom and she is a feminist.  I think that this is why she is so angry.  She knows that her stories were co-opted by Zeus and the men of that age.  She is Athena's mother (sprung out of Zeus' head...really?)  She is sister to Aphrodite (or maybe Hera is another side of the sexiness).  She is Mother.  She knows where things come from and she tries to be good to her children.  She gets lost in her work...and she is frustrated easily.  This is one Goddess who isn't afraid to show that she is pissy.

The Hera you see in Disney's Heracles isn't a bitchy woman who makes her stepson do chores to appease her.  The Hera you see is a loving mother of her son (a son who was stolen from her and she is in mourning for most of the movie).  At the end of the movie tells him how proud she is of what he has done (you don't hear any of the Greek stories telling you that!)

The point I am trying to make is that The Gods are not set in stone.  They are guides that can be reborn to help us now.  Jason Mankey writes about this and the new conclusions that he has found about Pan in Raise the Horns here.

What new interpretations of the Gods do you have?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Our Mother whose body is the Earth,
Blessed are you,
And blessed are all the fruits of your womb.
You give us this day our daily bread,
And we share it with others.
Our Mother whose body is the Earth,
We love you with all our hearts,
And our neighbors as ourselves.
By Carol Christ


"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, 

places to play in and pray in, 

where nature may heal and 

give strength to body and soul."

                       By John Muir


I salute the moon whenever I see him, like a lover being recognized with an airy kiss. He shines down brightly, like hope from heaven.

I lie out beneath a vast blanket of stars and feel grateful to have ever been born. Being alive feels so good it hurts.

I pour libations – effervescent, sanguine, and enthusiastic. I set apart who and what I love and remember them forever.

I greet the dead throughout the day and hold close the living always. I revel in the bonds of camaraderie.

The gods and spirits watch me, some curious, others playful, all loving in their own ways. All stupefyingly beautiful.

I run and sing, laugh and dance, make music and art, and fuck like my life depends on it – it does. Love makes the heart sing.

I don’t have a church, or an dogma, or a stately forbearance or respectability. I’m just one man who loves to be alive.

I don’t want to be dead, but I wouldn’t mind it – I don’t want to live forever. I just want to live right now, for as long as that lasts.

I guess that makes me human. So if people ask what religion is he, tell them that my religion is life well lived – through love and ecstatic joy.
- David's Creed, Found on Rogue Priest


Amazing Grace! How sweet the Earth
That formed a Witch like me
I once was burned, now I survive
Was hanged, but now I sing.

Twas grace that drew down the moon to me
And grace that raised the sea
The magick of the people's will
Will set our Mother free!

Amazing Grace! How sweet the Earth
That formed a Witch like me
I once was burned, but now I thrive
Was hanged but now I sing.

Amazing Grace, Rewritten By Margot Adler

What are your prayers? Please share them here (and if anyone knows David, please contact me so he may receive full credit for his work)


Thursday, January 24, 2013

What is February 1st?

Some call it Imbolc...Some call it Candlemas...Some call it Groundhog Day...

Imbolc is a funny sort of holiday on the wheel and its getting a bit of attention on the interwebs this week.  Here is a great article from Jason Mankey on what Imbolc means to him.

What I find interesting about this (and some of the other articles I have seen on Patheos) is that we are coming to the conclusion that Imbolc is a personal holiday.  The sabbats all have a solid meaning but when it comes to "Spring Cleaning" isn't it really just about what YOU need?   Yes, you can craft a circle on just about any subject but your coven isn't going to clean out your closet for you.  Only you can see the dust-mites and skeletons in there.  Brigid may not be your personal Goddess (She is the patron of Imbolc - if you follow the Celtic Calendar) but you still need to make goals for the year.  February is a good time for light a candle and to clean or prep.  Just because you aren't melting snow and having cheese doesn't mean that you can't have an Imbolc Circle...or maybe you need a break from the circles (for me personally that is this time as well as Lammas...when I take time to reflect and see where I am going and what I hope to work on this coming year).

Religion is about choices.  You can choose to have faith or not.  The Gods will still be there...waiting.  Which also means you can choose to have your circles your way...or not.  It doesn't make you less "witchy", it actually makes circles all the more special when you get to them.

Have a wonderful Imbolc (or not!)