Tuesday, July 16, 2013

11 things....

This article by Dr. Stephen Cowen is profound.  It talks about what he wishes every parent knew when raising a child.  I think it is an article to remind yourself not only about your kids but about who you are...

Read it here...

What 11 things do you wish everyone knew?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How Wiccans do it...

This was a nice article about what Wiccans actually do in circles... I thought it was timely considering the 10 spiritual diseases article.  What do you actually believe and does your service or church provide that to you?

Read it here....by Annie Finch


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

10 diseases you could spiritually catch!

Great Article on being spiritual and some misconceptions in being spiritual...By Mariana Caplan...
Tell me...are you guilty of any of these?