Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Kids are back at school and so am I...

There is a Pagan Blog called Salem WitchChild and she made a list of 44 blog entries.  A few other Pagan Blogs are meeting that challenge and I am thinking of joining them...:)  

Here is the list:
  1. What’s your witchy background?
  2. A myth or story from folklore.
  3. Witchy tools: athame.
  4. Picture of nature (water element).
  5. A favourite Goddess.
  6. A favourite God.
  7. Air element.
  8. A photo of a magical place outdoors.
  9. A favourite mythological animal.
  10. Your sun sign.
  11. Witchy tools: oils.
  12. Picture of nature (air element).
  13. What are some of the witchy books that influenced you?
  14. A favourite pagan holiday that you celebrate.
  15. Thoughts on the afterlife?
  16. Favourite witchy website(s).
  17. Picture of nature (fire element).
  18. Have you had any paranormal experiences?
  19. Fire element.
  20. A picture of a tarot or oracle card, and its meaning.
  21. A favourite scent.
  22. Current moon phase.
  23. A favourite candle.
  24. Your moon sign.
  25. How do your close ones feel about your witchy path? Do they know? Why or why not?
  26. A witchy podcast.
  27. Picture of nature (earth element).
  28. A picture of a witchy I-Want-It-Now!
  29. Water element.
  30. Witchy tools: wand.
  31. A favourite pagan/witchy movie.
  32. A pagan/witchy artwork.
  33. Faerie of your choice.
  34. Rune of your choice.
  35. Something that I think people who don’t know much about paganism/witchcraft should know.
  36. Flower of your choice, and its magical properties.
  37. A famous pagan/witch!
  38. Witchy tools: cauldron.
  39. Something that inspires you.
  40. Your altar, if you have one!
  41. A spell you’ve done.
  42. A favourite nature spirit.
  43. A magical recipe.
  44. Witch’s choice!
I may not do all of the entries and 44 topics for a once a week blog may be a bit much...But I am thinking of tackling some of them and maybe combining a set (like all the tools together or pictures).

It will be inspiring for me to get back to my roots and hopefully educational for those who read this who are not familiar at all with Wicca.

So for now I am going to do number 35:
Something that I think people who don't know much about paganism/witchcraft should know...

Just like any religion or way of life there are good people and bad people.  Just because you read about this one person who claimed they are a witch and they ate a baby doesn't mean that that is what I do.  Each person has their own beliefs of their God/dess.  I love to be in ritual.  Some of my sisters don't.  Some witches read Tarot or Runes...others don't.  Everyone is different.  If you knew that person before they told you that they worship the earth, chances are that person is still the same.  They haven't changed who they are, they just let you know what they personally believe.  Your perception of them should not change.  You can still trust them to get you a coffee at DD without worrying that they "put a spell on it".  Not all Muslims are terrorists.  Not all Christians listen to Fox News.  Not all Witches are hippies living off the grid.

When someone asks me what I believe I tell them that I think of God as Mother (and Father but to a lesser degree).  I believe that the stories of Ancient Gods give us a way to understand them (like the Bible helps people to understand their God).  I believe that the SPIRIT of God is the same whether you call Her by Isis or Him by Vishnu.  God is Love and Love is Universal.  Each person is filled with this Love and therefore each person deserves respect.  Not all Witches will answer this question like I did and that is what makes the world wonderful.  

CoExist.  Be Tolerant and Compassionate.  Shine.  

And if someone cuts you off on the highway its ok to be frustrated...:)

See you next time!

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Summer's End

    In an earlier post I talked about what I don't like about Summer.

    Here is what I will miss about summer:
    1) sleeping in with no schedule (on certain days where there were no appointments, camps, or errands)
    2) knowing where my kids are and what they are doing
    3) kids staying up late watching fun movies or shows because there is no need for a curfew
    4) saying to them "let's go to..." wherever they wanted to go
    5) driving around an apartment complex in the middle of the day looking for license plates with The Boy
    6) encouraging The Hummingbird to knit, crochet, or weave something because "she is bored"
    7) grown-up talks with The Diva because she brought up an interesting point about a random something
    8) not caring what time The Hubby gets home because we have nothing scheduled
    9) not thinking about my many obligations that I need to deal with in September

    I am not dreading summer ending but I will miss the freedom that it brings...even if it brings it in small doses.

    Here is what I am looking forward to in September:
    1) everyone out of the house at 8:30 so I can start my day
    2) finding out if I have a job with the schools and if I am any good at it
    3) getting back to quilting
    4) finishing up my children's rooms with no interruptions
    5) taking one kid at a time out with me to get stuff to decorate their rooms
    6) singing at church again
    7) baking cookies with no "helpers" and having them ready when the kids come home
    8) each kid in their own room doing homework or reading or sleeping
    9) having more than 3.15 seconds to myself so I can do all the things that make this household go

    See you there!

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Remember Who You Wanted To Be

    I saw the above on a bumper sticker the other day.  It really got to me.  At first I was "YES! Great Sticker!"  Then I started really thinking about it.

    Remember Who You Wanted To Be

    I wanted to be a rock star and live in NYC and have lots of fans and money and do whatever I want.  Clearly, that didn't happen but there is a deeper meaning to Who I Wanted To Be...

    I wanted to have fun and be independent.  I wanted to have a few people who understood me and loved me.  I wanted to be able to explore my world on my terms. I wanted to keep learning.  I wanted to listen to great music and read great books.  I wanted to feel loved by God and humbled by the beauty that surrounds me.

    Guess what?  I am grateful to know that I am living that life.  No, I am not a rock star but that became ok a long time ago...and I can always sing and perform and the bonus is I don't have to pay the bills for that laser stage show.

    Hopefully, anyone who reads this will remember being 12 or 15 or 20 and remember their dream of what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Some of you even got your wish and you are exactly there.  But what did you want to feel when you grew up?  Can you say you made it?

    Remember Who You Wanted To Be

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    My Dear Oldest Daughter

    My sweet Diva,

    You made me a Mother.  You showed me that I can take care of a baby human.  You taught me patience.  You showed me how to play.  You told me when you kissed me and hugged me that I was a good and wonderful person and that you love me.  You helped me to realize that schedules don't always go the way you planned and that it was ok.  I loved watching your face change expression with each day learning something new.  I loved your baby laughter and how you made sure to watch Blue's Clues in your Thinking Chair everyday.  You made sure that the videotapes wound up on the floor in the pile you liked every. damn. day.  You loved being outside running down the hill or in the park.  You loved dress up and playing with any kind of ball.

    Kindergarten changed you somehow.  I don't know if it was just being 5 or going to a new school.  You became quieter.  You liked school just fine but you didn't want to be social anymore.  You wanted things your way (because at home it wasn't just your way had a little brother and a little sister to contend with) and you took a firm stand that if you didn't want to do something you wouldn't do it.  I worked with you and tried to help you find your own way to fix your problems or do your homework.  I taught you to stand up for yourself and be proud of who you are.

    Now you are getting ready for your last year in Middle School...and you are no longer a little girl.  You can fit into women's clothes and shoes.  Responsibility is a big deal right now.  You are responsible for the kids at the camp you are going to, for your younger siblings, for your summer homework and getting things done around the house....and you are responsible for your words and actions (and attitude).  You are growing up.

    I know this totally freaks you out.  I know this because you have been very distraught over the loss of your little girl room and "the fairies that watch over you at night".  Your little girl room is no longer yours.  You have your own room now and soon you will be sleeping in it alone.  I know you are scared about this and probably a million other things.  I'm sorry that its taking a toll on you.  I will hold you and hug you for as long as you need to come to terms but you are not getting that room back.  Just like I am not getting the little girl that you once were back.  We both have to face the fact that you are going to be 13 and somethings are changing forever.

    Change is scary and it can be hard.  However, you are a beautiful, strong girl.  You are determined to make this life what you want, just like you were when you were 2.  I know you can't go back to being 2 or 5 or even 10, and I don't think you want to, really.  You just want some time to embrace the fun of being a little kid for a bit longer.  I will do all I can to make that happen.  I know you don't want to abandon your childhood just yet and you're not.  You are just realizing that being home and listening to your music is sometimes better than going out to the park with me...and that is okay.   We all find our way to being older.  Some of us hide behind a book or headphones.  Other people like letting other people tell them what to do or say.  Still others find people who are like them and share a real friendship and grow up with them.  They are all okay choices as long as you don't abandon who you are inside.

    Inside of you I still see that little girl, who crawled inside a milk crate and sat up in it and looked at me with her dark eyes and smiled, mischievously.  Don't lose her.  She is really important and special to me. She always knew who she was and she loved being here.  Embrace her and love her...she will guide your heart and soul...and you will end up being who you were meant to be.

    And I am glad and proud that I get a front row seat...
    I will love you for always,

    Monday, August 1, 2011


    Blessed Lammas!

    Lammas is one of those Holidays that gets overlooked because it is not Equinox or Solstice or Halloween but it is a very important holiday.

    Let me explain.  Wicca has eight holy days.  Four of them are minor holidays, the Equinoxes and Solstices.  They are points on the calendar where we reflect on the turning of the earth.  The other four are major holidays and we reflect on the turning of ourselves.  Halloween is our New Year, where we celebrate and honor the dead and the passing of the year.  Candlemas  or Imbolc is February 1st, in the Dark of Winter we light candles and try to point the way to where we are going (or where we want to go) in our lives.  It is Spring Cleaning in the spiritual sense.  April 30th is Beltane where we Celebrate Spring turning Summer, sowing our seeds and renewing our lives.

    Lammas has been called First Harvest, where we head out to the fields and take a look at what grew, what needs to be picked and what needs to go back to the earth.  In our own lives Lammas is a time to assess where we are going and what we are doing and what we should do to get there.  Right now is a great time to remind oneself why we chose this path, or get off the path and look at a map.

    Most importantly, to me, Lammas is a Wiccan Thanksgiving.  Where we give thanks for what we have and who we have in our lives.  This weekend I got to have a great dinner with some very good friends that I don't see nearly enough.  Then we hosted a Barbecue for a cooking club that we are in.  It was a celebration of Lammas.  Everyone coming together to see each other, to see how the kids have grown and to enjoy some really good food.  Alot of us got to hang out and chat with people we haven't seen in a while, which was wonderful.  The next day we cleaned out alot of junk from the garage that had been building up for a while and assessing what we should keep and where some things are being moved to (including the bed frame for my son's room and a desk for my daughter's).  My husband and I had a quiet dinner where we reflected on how happy we are and that we are glad of our choices.  This was my Lammas.

    I have a friend who is trying to sell her house so she can move to where her family will be happier.  I have other friends who might've paid off a large debt today.  I also have friends who are sad or angry that certain things are not working as they should and they are taking steps to protect their kids and their lives...this is also Lammas.  It is a hard harvest, but it is a good harvest.  Each Lammas is different.  The important thing is to reflect upon what you have and where you are going from here.  Take the time to realize what is not working in your life and see if you can change it for the better.  Give thanks for what you have and make plans to make it even better than it already is.

    Life doesn't need to be stagnant.  Life is all about change.  And you can change it if you need to.  It may take some time but so does everything.  Do not be afraid.  Give Thanks for what you have.  Cut down the weeds that are covering up your beauty and then watch it grow!

    So mote it be!
    Love and Light to all,