For the first time, ever, I am going to have family staying with me for the holidays. I am super happy and excited and I know I will not get a chance to write once they arrive. Fortunately for me someone posted a lovely article about Solstice and Wicca and I am going to give you a link and let you and me enjoy the holidays.
Nature is Divinity
May your candles be bright and light your way to a new day!
Blessed Be,
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Honesty is such a lonely word
Thank you
[on-uh-stee]noun, plural -ties.
Show IPA
truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
freedom from deceit or fraud.
What does that even mean today? So many people show us false faces. So many business people tell us lies. So much of the media is here to deceive us. If we show our true intentions there are rightly fears that we could be branded a bigot or a traitor or an abuser, even if we are not. There are too many people watching and judging what we do and say. We only have one sensible course of hide who we are or what we do. We hide from our friends (even true ones) we tell ourselves lie after lie after lie that it is ok, what we are doing, we are protecting them or the ones we love.
That is not Honesty.
Honesty is taking a clear look at what you are doing. Honesty means being vulnerable. Honesty means knowing that you don't have the answers and that you are willing to go find them or get help. Honesty can be brutal but wise. Honesty is scary but safe. Honesty is sadness but fulfillment. Honesty is being true to yourself down to your core, knowing your mistakes or issues and not pretending that they don't exist.
Honesty to oneself is the only way to grow as a be a better person than you are right now. You have to trust.
reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of aperson or thing; confidence.
confident expectation of something; hope.
the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
Trust is knowing that deep within you are being honest with yourself and others. Trust is knowing that the people you surround yourself with aren't screwing you over or talking behind your back. Trust is being true in spite of the fact that you want to hide or make up a story. Trust is being real.
Life isn't pretty. Life can punch you in the gut and wrench out your heart. I have been abused. I have been lied to. I have been deceived. I have been mistreated. I have been bullied. I have been made fun of. I have had people leave my life and I have been miserable about it. I have had people I love die. I have had pets I love die. I have had friendship end. I have had really shitty weeks. I contemplated suicide everyday for 5 years. I have lost jobs. I have failed.
AND I trusted that life had to be better than all that...and it has been.
I had to be honest with myself about certain things in my life and in doing so I was able to trust myself to make the right choices and live my life my way. My life is no where near perfect. The little things that I can't make better can still drag me down. Overall, I find my life acceptable because I am honest with myself and I trust those around me that when I am in need I can rely on them.
And when you are honest with yourself and you trust those around you then you have found love. Love of self, love of life, love of others.
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I don't always meditate but when I do I ground first...
I have been a practicing witch for over 15 years (getting closer to 20 - yow!) and there are many things that I may take for granted but I am always grounded.
What does that mean? Well, for me, it means that I am clearly here...I know my feet are on the earth, I know that air is filling my lungs, I know that my heart is beating and I know that my head isn't clouded up with 1,000 things...right now.
My head will get crowded up with all the things, breathing and heartbeats are forgotten about as I go about my day, my feet will run around going from store to store in the hopes of finding that perfect gift for The Hummingbird...but for one moment during the day I am HERE, I am PRESENT, and I am ME.
According to a great website -
Grounding is a very simple tool --you create (imagine) a connection to the earth extending from your 1st chakra/tailbone into the center of the planet. It allows you to release other people's energy, pain you might have, troublesome emotions, sub-personalities, pictures, etc, through the grounding cord. It is very simple and very powerful.
Powerful? Yes. Simple? Not even close...
First, you have to be willing to surrender to doing nothing but feeling who you are, in the moment, now.
Second, you have to imagine the feeling of your feet in the dirt, or of being a tree, with roots in the earth, or you need to sit and imagine a tail at your tailbone driving into the earth.
Third, you need to push all your energy into the earth (feel it move to your toes and then out to the earth).
Fourth, you need to then pull energy from the earth into your toes and then into you.
Some people cannot for the life of them do this. They are too stressed and refuse to give themselves a break or they think that saying that they are grounded is all there is or they can't imagine the earth idea AT ALL so the whole thing escapes them.
Grounding is recycling your energy into the elements. When you recycle a bottle, it goes to a plant and gets melted into more plastic (or glass) and then it is remade into another bottle or something else. That is what you are doing when you ground and meditate. You are giving your bad, negative energy to the elements to recycle and then you are taking new energy from the elements - energy that isn't clouded with how many bills you have to pay or how to schedule your appointments. Just clear energy that should be able to keep you calm and focused for the day. If you are feeling overwhelmed or spacey or woozy taking a moment to ground may be the answer to go on with your day. When I have been feeling super angry, I have grounded to keep me calm. When I have felt exasperated I have grounded so I can look at the situation in a better light. When I have felt actual dizziness I have taken a moment to close my eyes and ground before I call the doctor or make a decision on anything.
No matter what element you are comfortable in, you can ground to it. Earth is best, because it is GROUND but...
Imagine a gentle breeze that you can control (like a mini funnel in your lap), fill this up with all your energy (blow into it, if you like) and then send it up into the air to be scattered to the 4 winds. After you are sure that your negative energy is gone, bring back the funnel to your lap and imagine it filled with clean air and breathe it into you.
Pour yourself a glass of water. Hold that glass in your hands and imagine all of your energy in that glass. Let the negative go into the glass and then gently pour it out (down the drain, onto the earth, or river, or ocean). Then fill up the glass with fresh water and drink it, feeling the fresh new energy filling you up. This also works really well while taking a bath or shower.
Light a candle and sit looking into the flame. Feel yourself wrapped in its warmth. Very gently give your energy to the flame. The flame will take what you give it and burn it away. The flame will recycle the warmth and then you can pull new energy from the flame. You could also blow out the candle and then light another one or you can have 3 candle going at the same time, one for the release of energy, one for the gift of energy and one to steady yourself in the moment.
Grounding is so important to life. Physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally...all of these need care inside you and this is a great way. It is therapy, except YOU are your own therapist.
Stop and be at peace and ground yourself before you leave your house for the day...I think you will be glad you did!
What does that mean? Well, for me, it means that I am clearly here...I know my feet are on the earth, I know that air is filling my lungs, I know that my heart is beating and I know that my head isn't clouded up with 1,000 things...right now.
My head will get crowded up with all the things, breathing and heartbeats are forgotten about as I go about my day, my feet will run around going from store to store in the hopes of finding that perfect gift for The Hummingbird...but for one moment during the day I am HERE, I am PRESENT, and I am ME.
According to a great website -
Grounding is a very simple tool --you create (imagine) a connection to the earth extending from your 1st chakra/tailbone into the center of the planet. It allows you to release other people's energy, pain you might have, troublesome emotions, sub-personalities, pictures, etc, through the grounding cord. It is very simple and very powerful.
Powerful? Yes. Simple? Not even close...
First, you have to be willing to surrender to doing nothing but feeling who you are, in the moment, now.
Second, you have to imagine the feeling of your feet in the dirt, or of being a tree, with roots in the earth, or you need to sit and imagine a tail at your tailbone driving into the earth.
Third, you need to push all your energy into the earth (feel it move to your toes and then out to the earth).
Fourth, you need to then pull energy from the earth into your toes and then into you.
Some people cannot for the life of them do this. They are too stressed and refuse to give themselves a break or they think that saying that they are grounded is all there is or they can't imagine the earth idea AT ALL so the whole thing escapes them.
Grounding is recycling your energy into the elements. When you recycle a bottle, it goes to a plant and gets melted into more plastic (or glass) and then it is remade into another bottle or something else. That is what you are doing when you ground and meditate. You are giving your bad, negative energy to the elements to recycle and then you are taking new energy from the elements - energy that isn't clouded with how many bills you have to pay or how to schedule your appointments. Just clear energy that should be able to keep you calm and focused for the day. If you are feeling overwhelmed or spacey or woozy taking a moment to ground may be the answer to go on with your day. When I have been feeling super angry, I have grounded to keep me calm. When I have felt exasperated I have grounded so I can look at the situation in a better light. When I have felt actual dizziness I have taken a moment to close my eyes and ground before I call the doctor or make a decision on anything.
No matter what element you are comfortable in, you can ground to it. Earth is best, because it is GROUND but...
Imagine a gentle breeze that you can control (like a mini funnel in your lap), fill this up with all your energy (blow into it, if you like) and then send it up into the air to be scattered to the 4 winds. After you are sure that your negative energy is gone, bring back the funnel to your lap and imagine it filled with clean air and breathe it into you.
Pour yourself a glass of water. Hold that glass in your hands and imagine all of your energy in that glass. Let the negative go into the glass and then gently pour it out (down the drain, onto the earth, or river, or ocean). Then fill up the glass with fresh water and drink it, feeling the fresh new energy filling you up. This also works really well while taking a bath or shower.
Light a candle and sit looking into the flame. Feel yourself wrapped in its warmth. Very gently give your energy to the flame. The flame will take what you give it and burn it away. The flame will recycle the warmth and then you can pull new energy from the flame. You could also blow out the candle and then light another one or you can have 3 candle going at the same time, one for the release of energy, one for the gift of energy and one to steady yourself in the moment.
Grounding is so important to life. Physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally...all of these need care inside you and this is a great way. It is therapy, except YOU are your own therapist.
Stop and be at peace and ground yourself before you leave your house for the day...I think you will be glad you did!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
My Dear Youngest Daughter
My Sweet Hummingbird,
When I started this Blog, it was easy for me to find a nickname for the oldest and the youngest. I remember asking you for ideas and you weren't sure. We thought of "Bouncy" and "Squeak" and you didn't like that at all. You wanted to use something that sounded like your name but I said no. Then inspiration hit me.
You are a Hummingbird.
Hummingbirds are small and light and they flit quickly from flower to flower. They are constantly in motion...and that is you and has always been you. I think you were the only one of my babies that liked having the bouncy seat on vibrate. They thrive in the daylight (5:am wake up call) and then they sleep when the sun goes down (one time you went to bed at 4:pm and you refused to wake up for dinner, you slept for 14 hours and then you were ready for play). Hummingbirds are detail oriented. They can hover, fly backwards and stop in mid air. They bring in Joy...and do you bring in the JOY!
Your laugh always started from down in your toes and would bubble up through you. You light up a room when you walk into it. You may not get all the attention (as the Diva does) but people will seek you out to sit with you and talk to you. You have a wonderful insight to different always take a unique spin on what it is you are reading or working on. You always have an answer. Hummingbirds also symbolize the wonder at the universe and taking note of everything around you. You have always had such a love and zest for life, and even when I tell you that you can't take another class or do another thing...there you are, doing it anyway.
You never forget anyone in your family. Even when you were 3 you would ask for a lollipop for your sister. Your sincerity is genuine and your affection and love is true. You are a very loyal friend. I think sometimes you try too hard to be everyone's friend. You never want to hurt anyone's feelings but you do let them walk all over you.
You hate to be bored which is why you flit from thing to thing. Your energy is boundless, like the hummingbird. Its also why sometimes you suffer from anxiety. You can't seem to turn your mind off and you are always running scenarios in your head or going over the schedule or a list. You get a little bossy sometimes too if we "are going to be late" or "where is that book/website I need it RIGHT NOW". You can't take no for an answer. You will do it yourself if the answer is no.
In other words, the apple doesn't fall too far from this tree.
Today is your birthday. I hope it is filled with all the wonder and joy that YOU bring to our little world. I hope you are as happy as you make me. I love you my sweet girl. Happy Birthday, My Hummingbird.
When I started this Blog, it was easy for me to find a nickname for the oldest and the youngest. I remember asking you for ideas and you weren't sure. We thought of "Bouncy" and "Squeak" and you didn't like that at all. You wanted to use something that sounded like your name but I said no. Then inspiration hit me.
You are a Hummingbird.
Hummingbirds are small and light and they flit quickly from flower to flower. They are constantly in motion...and that is you and has always been you. I think you were the only one of my babies that liked having the bouncy seat on vibrate. They thrive in the daylight (5:am wake up call) and then they sleep when the sun goes down (one time you went to bed at 4:pm and you refused to wake up for dinner, you slept for 14 hours and then you were ready for play). Hummingbirds are detail oriented. They can hover, fly backwards and stop in mid air. They bring in Joy...and do you bring in the JOY!
Your laugh always started from down in your toes and would bubble up through you. You light up a room when you walk into it. You may not get all the attention (as the Diva does) but people will seek you out to sit with you and talk to you. You have a wonderful insight to different always take a unique spin on what it is you are reading or working on. You always have an answer. Hummingbirds also symbolize the wonder at the universe and taking note of everything around you. You have always had such a love and zest for life, and even when I tell you that you can't take another class or do another thing...there you are, doing it anyway.
You never forget anyone in your family. Even when you were 3 you would ask for a lollipop for your sister. Your sincerity is genuine and your affection and love is true. You are a very loyal friend. I think sometimes you try too hard to be everyone's friend. You never want to hurt anyone's feelings but you do let them walk all over you.
You hate to be bored which is why you flit from thing to thing. Your energy is boundless, like the hummingbird. Its also why sometimes you suffer from anxiety. You can't seem to turn your mind off and you are always running scenarios in your head or going over the schedule or a list. You get a little bossy sometimes too if we "are going to be late" or "where is that book/website I need it RIGHT NOW". You can't take no for an answer. You will do it yourself if the answer is no.
In other words, the apple doesn't fall too far from this tree.
Today is your birthday. I hope it is filled with all the wonder and joy that YOU bring to our little world. I hope you are as happy as you make me. I love you my sweet girl. Happy Birthday, My Hummingbird.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thankful and Grateful and Fine
Happy Thanksgiving!
This is the time to give thanks for what you have. There is no yearning for more. There is no sadness. There is only supposed to be joy for what you have at this moment, right now. A few of my friends made it their mission to have a moment of thanks each day this month. I am going to do the same but in one neat lump.
I am thankful for:
This is the time to give thanks for what you have. There is no yearning for more. There is no sadness. There is only supposed to be joy for what you have at this moment, right now. A few of my friends made it their mission to have a moment of thanks each day this month. I am going to do the same but in one neat lump.
I am thankful for:
- Technology, so that I may talk with my sisters and family and friends and see them each day
- My Diva, who is wondrous in her teen ways and who still holds my hand
- My Mom and Dad, who helped shape me
- My Grandparents, who I got to know and love and who still inspire me
- My Sister, who I got to see grow up into the beautiful woman she is today
- My Brother, My Aunts and Uncles and Cousins who make up my crazy family
- My Mommy friends, who are the backbone of my world and who I cannot live without
- My house and the town where I live and the great people who I have met here
- The parents who help me run Girl Scouts and who inspire my kids to do great things
- Scouting programs, which teach respect for the earth and helping our fellow humans
- The Teachers who help me learn more about my kids and teach them wonderful things
- The church community that I have reconnected to
- My Coven who taught me what I know and make my soul dance
- The crazy cats that share our house
- My most wonderful Husband who I will always be in love with
- My country, for all its flaws I am still grateful I live here
- The seasons and the gifts that they bring us
- Education and the ability to read and find truth
- The Spirit that binds us all together
- ME!
- My Boy, who both makes me laugh and cringe at the same time
- Having access to medicine and doctors and trainers and people who can help you
- Having all of my senses and somewhat healthy body
- The Creativity that flows through me so that I may quilt and paint and bead and enjoy
- Music which has always been a true love of mine
- My Husband having a job and in doing lets me be the Mom that I want to be
- Access to good food and water and having a choice
- Living in an age where I am a woman equal with men
- The people who have touched my life, even in a small way, and that I hope I have done the same
- My Hummingbird, who lights up my world with her charm and smile
Thank YOU for reading ,
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Its ALL a Choice...
There is quite the flap on the Interwebs right now about Michelle Duggar. She is pregnant with her 20th (!!!!!) child and everyone is losing their damn minds. She shouldn't have another baby! She is denying her children a childhood because they are always taking care of her babies!! She is awful AND she homeschools and she is a fundamentalist Christian (GASP!)!!!
She made a choice. She is choosing to be the mother that she is. She is choosing to use her body in that way. She believes that God wants her to have all these kids...and nothing that we (or anybody) says is going to change her mind. I would not choose that life. You may not choose that life. But it is her choice, because its her body. The same can be said about abortion. Again, I would not make that choice (and I am glad that I never had to make that choice) but I am not going to stand in the way of someone who wants to (and probably needs to) make that choice, because its not my body...its theirs.
There is alot of scary, scary stuff going around about women's health issues right now. Some people seem to think that they can legislate what we can or can't do with our bodies, just because we are women. They are mostly doing this to make abortion illegal but all of it hampers us as women. It throws us back to a time where the men we married were "in charge" of us and we had to do what they wanted...and that could include having another baby even when we didn't want to because the men controlled the finances and we couldn't go and get contraception without them knowing. Women now have the choice of staying home, or working. Women now have the choice of breastfeeding or bottlefeeding. Women have the choice of becoming pregnant or not. We have the freedom of choice and that should never be taken away.
We also have the freedom of choice in our lives, too. I choose to be the mother that I am (stressed out as that may be). Other moms do not choose to do what I do...they make other decisions that I would never make...and that is ok because that is their choice. After this last round of knee-crap I could've chosen to stay home and eat and gain more weight. I chose instead (with the help of my sister/friends) to get back up and keep working out. I have not chosen to give up chocolate (!!) but I have given up drinking once a night. I need to make healthier choices, and I am slowly doing just that. Because this is my body and its my choice.
You may think that your circumstances are such that you have no choice but in reality all the choices that you ever made got you where you are right now...all of them, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Your life, when laid out before you, is a set of all the choices you have ever made. The kids that you were friends with in school. The homework that you did or didn't do. Standing up to bullies or fights you had with parents or friends. It may be a little sobering, but it all makes you who you are. It makes me who I am...all the Lessons Learned, Mischief Managed, and what's done is done and can't be undone. And I do not regret them. My choices got me to live in a great state (commonwealth), date a guy that I am still in love with, and have 3 amazing kids (no more, no less). I have met many wonderful people because of the choices I made...all of us have. There is great freedom in choice and everyone, from Michelle Duggar to a nameless woman who just got assaulted, should have it. NO ONE should feel that they are stuck with no choices.
Freedom of what you got...
Choose Wisely,
She made a choice. She is choosing to be the mother that she is. She is choosing to use her body in that way. She believes that God wants her to have all these kids...and nothing that we (or anybody) says is going to change her mind. I would not choose that life. You may not choose that life. But it is her choice, because its her body. The same can be said about abortion. Again, I would not make that choice (and I am glad that I never had to make that choice) but I am not going to stand in the way of someone who wants to (and probably needs to) make that choice, because its not my body...its theirs.
There is alot of scary, scary stuff going around about women's health issues right now. Some people seem to think that they can legislate what we can or can't do with our bodies, just because we are women. They are mostly doing this to make abortion illegal but all of it hampers us as women. It throws us back to a time where the men we married were "in charge" of us and we had to do what they wanted...and that could include having another baby even when we didn't want to because the men controlled the finances and we couldn't go and get contraception without them knowing. Women now have the choice of staying home, or working. Women now have the choice of breastfeeding or bottlefeeding. Women have the choice of becoming pregnant or not. We have the freedom of choice and that should never be taken away.
We also have the freedom of choice in our lives, too. I choose to be the mother that I am (stressed out as that may be). Other moms do not choose to do what I do...they make other decisions that I would never make...and that is ok because that is their choice. After this last round of knee-crap I could've chosen to stay home and eat and gain more weight. I chose instead (with the help of my sister/friends) to get back up and keep working out. I have not chosen to give up chocolate (!!) but I have given up drinking once a night. I need to make healthier choices, and I am slowly doing just that. Because this is my body and its my choice.
You may think that your circumstances are such that you have no choice but in reality all the choices that you ever made got you where you are right now...all of them, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Your life, when laid out before you, is a set of all the choices you have ever made. The kids that you were friends with in school. The homework that you did or didn't do. Standing up to bullies or fights you had with parents or friends. It may be a little sobering, but it all makes you who you are. It makes me who I am...all the Lessons Learned, Mischief Managed, and what's done is done and can't be undone. And I do not regret them. My choices got me to live in a great state (commonwealth), date a guy that I am still in love with, and have 3 amazing kids (no more, no less). I have met many wonderful people because of the choices I made...all of us have. There is great freedom in choice and everyone, from Michelle Duggar to a nameless woman who just got assaulted, should have it. NO ONE should feel that they are stuck with no choices.
Freedom of what you got...
Choose Wisely,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I'm Awake
Its 3:30 in the morning on Tuesday and I am awake. I am also sick. I have been coughing and blowing my nose for 2 days. I feel like I am swallowing glass. I feel like crap...and yet I persevere. Why? Because I am the Mommy.
The Mommy doesn't really get to be sick. We kinda walk around in a daze and still do all the things that we do, like, the dishes, the laundry, the phone calls, the lunches, the notes, the errands, etc. It never ends (at least it feels that way right now) and we have to. If we are single we REALLY have to because there is no one around who can help us. If we are married sometimes the other adult can't stay home and take care of us. If you are working you feel the stress on those sick/vacation days and wonder if you can possibly take one more...just to feel better.
I went to bed early for 2 days (as close as I get to being off) and now I am awake when the world is asleep...super. Now I am thinking of all the things I can get done (hey look, you haven't written in the Blog!) while I am walking around with a cold and no one is bothering me. This is the life of the Mom...
Moms are really really good at taking care of their children. Sometimes they are really good at taking care of their friends and partners. They are super crappy at taking care of themselves. When you are in the trenches of taking care of kids - all kids babies up to teens - you just don't think of yourself as a person. You are Mom first and so you continue on...or you feel guilty that you are on the couch while the poor 13 year old is washing a dish.
The thing is we Moms desperately need our rest. If we are sick we need to take care of US. If we are the engine of the train that is our life we really need to make sure that all of the gears work. Sometimes that means getting help, asking for help, or taking a breath from the lives that we force on ourselves.
Even though I am awake when I should be asleep I have already looked up a phone numbers for the morning and sent an email. I will likely go downstairs and flip the laundry. However I am actually drinking lemonade to soothe my throat. For me, that is HUGE. I urge any mom who isn't feeling well to take a minute and get the medicine you need...because you can't take care of your world if you are feeling this way.
I am going to refill this glass and put a blanket on me so I can watch some TV. Feel Better and Carry On.
The Mommy doesn't really get to be sick. We kinda walk around in a daze and still do all the things that we do, like, the dishes, the laundry, the phone calls, the lunches, the notes, the errands, etc. It never ends (at least it feels that way right now) and we have to. If we are single we REALLY have to because there is no one around who can help us. If we are married sometimes the other adult can't stay home and take care of us. If you are working you feel the stress on those sick/vacation days and wonder if you can possibly take one more...just to feel better.
I went to bed early for 2 days (as close as I get to being off) and now I am awake when the world is asleep...super. Now I am thinking of all the things I can get done (hey look, you haven't written in the Blog!) while I am walking around with a cold and no one is bothering me. This is the life of the Mom...
Moms are really really good at taking care of their children. Sometimes they are really good at taking care of their friends and partners. They are super crappy at taking care of themselves. When you are in the trenches of taking care of kids - all kids babies up to teens - you just don't think of yourself as a person. You are Mom first and so you continue on...or you feel guilty that you are on the couch while the poor 13 year old is washing a dish.
The thing is we Moms desperately need our rest. If we are sick we need to take care of US. If we are the engine of the train that is our life we really need to make sure that all of the gears work. Sometimes that means getting help, asking for help, or taking a breath from the lives that we force on ourselves.
Even though I am awake when I should be asleep I have already looked up a phone numbers for the morning and sent an email. I will likely go downstairs and flip the laundry. However I am actually drinking lemonade to soothe my throat. For me, that is HUGE. I urge any mom who isn't feeling well to take a minute and get the medicine you need...because you can't take care of your world if you are feeling this way.
I am going to refill this glass and put a blanket on me so I can watch some TV. Feel Better and Carry On.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I have been busybusybusybusy. My family has not been very cooperative. The schedule has not been very cooperative It has been just a race around town coupled with the occasional "Oh CRAP! When did we run out of (insert something of great importance that you need right now)?!" On top of little emergencies (and big ones) I have not had a chance to breathe or have a moment to think.
Samhain is this weekend and I will have a chance to breathe. My Coven Sisters come to my house and We eat and drink and we have time to talk of our lives and our spirituality. We will have time to do ritual. We will have time to just sit. I am hoping that we get a call from my California Sister on Sunday night and we can be in circle together. We will trick or treat together on Monday evening with all 7 kids (our own personal chaos cloud) and hopefully we will remember to bring a drink or 2 (Hot Toddies may be appropriate).
On Sunday at the UU church I will be helping the community celebrate Samhain. I didn't write a meditation about death and dying but rather on fear. We all have fears and we all get afraid. Fear can hold us back. Its what holds our hearts...this "what MIGHT happen" can even stop us from living. Sometimes the fear is founded: watching a childhood friend choke to death and then being super aware about whatever goes in your kid's mouths. Sometimes the fear is not: just because a child got taken on a street 300 miles from you doesn't mean you can't send your kids outside alone in their backyard. Fear can make us do stupid things: following a school bus to school because you think it may get into an accident. Fear can also make us to smart things: little plastic bits in electrical sockets so that the toddler does not hurt himself or burn the house down.
Fear is a part of life. The fear that I want to talk about is the fear of ourselves. Humans are creatures of habit and when we are used to something we want to keep it that way. It takes alot to change. We are afraid of ourselves...what MIGHT be if we stopped being afraid. Well? What might be if we stopped being afraid? Would life get brighter and better or would you say "I knew it...bad things always happen!"
I believe that we write our own life. I believe that if you think that bad things always happen then they will. I believe that you can always find the good in a situation and concentrate on that good. I believe that even in the darkest times in our lives we can choose to be brave and to say "no" and not roll over. Things weren't always meant to go your way but the way you deal with them says a lot more about you than you think.
Hiding away from what may be isn't the answer.
Saying that life will never change isn't the answer.
Thinking that things will always be this way isn't the answer.
Living is the answer. Going forward and choosing to NOT be afraid and do something about your misery is the answer. People are funny. If you ask for help you may just get it. You may think that no one likes you and you can't...and you may be very wrong. If you stop making excuses you may just find that life is more livable. You need to stop fearing the unknown.
So get comfortable and take a moment and name your fears. Write them down. Keep them in mind as you go about your day. How much do they effect you? At the end of the day rip up the paper and let them go. They aren't in charge of you. They are not necessarily your friends. They may be what is holding you back from being the best you.
Keep this in mind... all the little monsters come to your door this Halloween are a type of fear. If you give them a little candy they will go. Let them.
Blessed Samhain,
Samhain is this weekend and I will have a chance to breathe. My Coven Sisters come to my house and We eat and drink and we have time to talk of our lives and our spirituality. We will have time to do ritual. We will have time to just sit. I am hoping that we get a call from my California Sister on Sunday night and we can be in circle together. We will trick or treat together on Monday evening with all 7 kids (our own personal chaos cloud) and hopefully we will remember to bring a drink or 2 (Hot Toddies may be appropriate).
On Sunday at the UU church I will be helping the community celebrate Samhain. I didn't write a meditation about death and dying but rather on fear. We all have fears and we all get afraid. Fear can hold us back. Its what holds our hearts...this "what MIGHT happen" can even stop us from living. Sometimes the fear is founded: watching a childhood friend choke to death and then being super aware about whatever goes in your kid's mouths. Sometimes the fear is not: just because a child got taken on a street 300 miles from you doesn't mean you can't send your kids outside alone in their backyard. Fear can make us do stupid things: following a school bus to school because you think it may get into an accident. Fear can also make us to smart things: little plastic bits in electrical sockets so that the toddler does not hurt himself or burn the house down.
Fear is a part of life. The fear that I want to talk about is the fear of ourselves. Humans are creatures of habit and when we are used to something we want to keep it that way. It takes alot to change. We are afraid of ourselves...what MIGHT be if we stopped being afraid. Well? What might be if we stopped being afraid? Would life get brighter and better or would you say "I knew it...bad things always happen!"
I believe that we write our own life. I believe that if you think that bad things always happen then they will. I believe that you can always find the good in a situation and concentrate on that good. I believe that even in the darkest times in our lives we can choose to be brave and to say "no" and not roll over. Things weren't always meant to go your way but the way you deal with them says a lot more about you than you think.
Hiding away from what may be isn't the answer.
Saying that life will never change isn't the answer.
Thinking that things will always be this way isn't the answer.
Living is the answer. Going forward and choosing to NOT be afraid and do something about your misery is the answer. People are funny. If you ask for help you may just get it. You may think that no one likes you and you can't...and you may be very wrong. If you stop making excuses you may just find that life is more livable. You need to stop fearing the unknown.
So get comfortable and take a moment and name your fears. Write them down. Keep them in mind as you go about your day. How much do they effect you? At the end of the day rip up the paper and let them go. They aren't in charge of you. They are not necessarily your friends. They may be what is holding you back from being the best you.
Keep this in mind... all the little monsters come to your door this Halloween are a type of fear. If you give them a little candy they will go. Let them.
Blessed Samhain,
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Let Us Pray
What is Prayer to you? Is it a feeling or is it a set of words? Is it on your knees or laying in bed? Is it looking at the beauty of nature or is it a special place? Is it Active or is it Passive?
Sometimes prayer is a passive thing, like asking of favors from your God. Sometimes it is a form of therapy, like talking out all your problems to your God, hoping for guidance. Sometimes prayer is an active thing, like wanting to change your life and then taking steps to do just that. Yes, prayer can be just that...
Prayer is usually defined as a meditation with a God/s. We come to the Spirit often asking for things and the action of asking and the subsequent relief or weight lifted from our being leads us to believe that the Spirit has "heard our prayers". We ask for all sorts of favors or to heal or to help. We ask for forgiveness when we have hurt someone or done something wrong. This is Passive Prayer. It is good it feels great.
If, after you have asked for forgiveness from your God/s, you go out and say you're sorry to the person you hurt, that is Active Prayer. It feels even better.
When I went to my Catholic Church I would pray fervently to my God. I felt that if I prayed well and long with the rosary or with the Bible He would hear me. I felt that prayer was enough. God would answer my prayers, not always in a positive way but I felt at peace knowing that He was watching out for me and my requests. I felt that He would not steer me wrong and prayer helped me be one with this. For me that is where prayer stopped.
When I went to Circle I would pray fervently too. I would light candles (like I did at church) and I would ask favors. The key difference to me was in Circle I couldn't "stop praying" I had to take it a step further. This is also known in Circles as Spellcasting. Really! Its True! Spellcasting, or Prayer, is asking for favors and then changing your behavior to get what it is you want. Here is an example, let's say you wanted a raise. In Church, you could pray that you would get a raise then your could go about your business hoping that this prayer would come true. In Wicca, you would craft a money spell and meditate on it. You could even count coins and put them in the dish with the candle. The next day you could get the energy to look into what to do to help this Spell along. Maybe its asking your boss for what you could do to get the raise or being mindful of your behavior. Now I am not saying that the above couldn't happen with Passive Prayer. I am saying that for me I got the sense that I should DO something rather than just sit and hope and wish. I found that for me lighting the candles and opening the Bible wasn't enough anymore. I had to take the next step.
I feel that I became more active in my love of God/s. Instead of feeling that He was far away watching me I felt that She was walking with me and guiding me. I became more aware of what I was doing and I tried to change my behavior to get the things that I wanted. Sometimes it worked out very well. Sometimes I had to do more. I would pray harder the next time and I didn't give up hope. I found that God didn't just answer with a yes or a no...sometimes the answer was "Make It Happen".
Blessed Full Moon!
Sometimes prayer is a passive thing, like asking of favors from your God. Sometimes it is a form of therapy, like talking out all your problems to your God, hoping for guidance. Sometimes prayer is an active thing, like wanting to change your life and then taking steps to do just that. Yes, prayer can be just that...
Prayer is usually defined as a meditation with a God/s. We come to the Spirit often asking for things and the action of asking and the subsequent relief or weight lifted from our being leads us to believe that the Spirit has "heard our prayers". We ask for all sorts of favors or to heal or to help. We ask for forgiveness when we have hurt someone or done something wrong. This is Passive Prayer. It is good it feels great.
If, after you have asked for forgiveness from your God/s, you go out and say you're sorry to the person you hurt, that is Active Prayer. It feels even better.
When I went to my Catholic Church I would pray fervently to my God. I felt that if I prayed well and long with the rosary or with the Bible He would hear me. I felt that prayer was enough. God would answer my prayers, not always in a positive way but I felt at peace knowing that He was watching out for me and my requests. I felt that He would not steer me wrong and prayer helped me be one with this. For me that is where prayer stopped.
When I went to Circle I would pray fervently too. I would light candles (like I did at church) and I would ask favors. The key difference to me was in Circle I couldn't "stop praying" I had to take it a step further. This is also known in Circles as Spellcasting. Really! Its True! Spellcasting, or Prayer, is asking for favors and then changing your behavior to get what it is you want. Here is an example, let's say you wanted a raise. In Church, you could pray that you would get a raise then your could go about your business hoping that this prayer would come true. In Wicca, you would craft a money spell and meditate on it. You could even count coins and put them in the dish with the candle. The next day you could get the energy to look into what to do to help this Spell along. Maybe its asking your boss for what you could do to get the raise or being mindful of your behavior. Now I am not saying that the above couldn't happen with Passive Prayer. I am saying that for me I got the sense that I should DO something rather than just sit and hope and wish. I found that for me lighting the candles and opening the Bible wasn't enough anymore. I had to take the next step.
I feel that I became more active in my love of God/s. Instead of feeling that He was far away watching me I felt that She was walking with me and guiding me. I became more aware of what I was doing and I tried to change my behavior to get the things that I wanted. Sometimes it worked out very well. Sometimes I had to do more. I would pray harder the next time and I didn't give up hope. I found that God didn't just answer with a yes or a no...sometimes the answer was "Make It Happen".
Blessed Full Moon!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Under the knife...
I am a fairly healthy plus sized woman. I don't sit around all day and eat lots of snacks. I do indulge in wine or beer almost every night, however, we are talking 1 or 2 not the whole bottle/six pack. I don't drink soda. I do drink 1 cup of coffee a day and its espresso because I am a coffee snob (its a symptom of running a cafe when I lived in NYC). I have 3 kids and I am very involved with them. I am a Girl Scout leader and I believe in Scouting as a great program, so even though I am NOT a Boy Scout leader my son goes to Scouts. I enjoy hiking. I love to dance. It brings me peace and joy when I dance...a moving meditation if you will. When I sit still I fall asleep because I have been active in my mind and in my body all day.
I have had knee surgery before and each time I was told to "get my weight down". In order to do that you need exercise and a healthy diet right? So I do that and then my other knee will have an issue...and then I am told to "get my weight down". It is a cycle of madness. I started to work out this summer. I was watching what I was eating and working out 4 times a week, walking, machines, dancing, weights, aerobics...and now my knee has gone out again and I need surgery AGAIN. And like magic the doctor said "You have to get your weight down." Yeah, I know...
First of all, I have lived in this body for many moons now...I think I know I am not (nor will I ever be) a size 8. Pointing it out to me makes me - in no particular order - sad, ashamed, angry, depressed, embarrassed and rebellious (oh yeah well I will go to KFC and eat a WHOLE BUCKET of chicken...I'll show you who's fat!!). I am not the size of a circus tent however, I don't need a crane to get me out of the house. I am not an old lady whose bones are so brittle the wind blows and they break. I am a "middle aged active woman" and I don't think any doctor really knows how to deal with that.
I understand the doctors are trying to help, but telling me that I "need to get the weight down" does not help. When I tell them what exercise I like to do they look at me and say I "can't". I "can't" dance, do yoga, go walking outside, bike outside and absolutely no jogging. When I asked him what I CAN do he looked at me like I have 3 heads. I had to pull teeth to get an answer the other day. I CAN swim (bleh) I CAN walk on a treadmill (?) and I CAN bike on a stationary bike (??). Wait...What? The Doc would prefer that I don't do these same activities outside because of problems with the roads...but if I know where I can walk outside where there are no bumps or hills or pitfalls that should be okay, right? No answer...
I can't seem to get a straight answer from a physical therapist either. I think that they are used to working with people who are always stationary. I tried to go to a sports therapist but I wasn't thrilled with the price or the utter lack of enthusiasm (mmm, you aren't thin so you must not understand what you want). Its really not that hard and I can't explain it any better than I already have. I am an active middle aged woman. I have 3 kids and I have to chase them. I like to hike and dance. FIX ME SO I CAN DO THESE THINGS!!
*sigh* I need to schedule surgery before I injure myself further. I don't know when that would be "convenient" to my schedule because I am (and my kids are) active and we have a lot of stuff already on the schedule for the fall. I don't know what to do about workouts now either. Usually I fall back on food and eat badly, but I don't want to and so the cookies and candy aren't being touched...and through all of this I am not losing weight or gaining weight. I have maintained the same weight for 3 years (I just had a physical and it was confirmed). It is a cycle of madness and I want off the cycle.
I want to be given helpful advice from a Doc who understands what it is that I do. I want to know what the best course of action is on diet and exercise that will make me happy and fit. I want to be congratulated on not blowing up to the size of a small car because every so often I go out to eat. I don't want to be a buff bodybuilder...I just want to be the best me I can be.
So why does that feel like its too much to ask for?
I have had knee surgery before and each time I was told to "get my weight down". In order to do that you need exercise and a healthy diet right? So I do that and then my other knee will have an issue...and then I am told to "get my weight down". It is a cycle of madness. I started to work out this summer. I was watching what I was eating and working out 4 times a week, walking, machines, dancing, weights, aerobics...and now my knee has gone out again and I need surgery AGAIN. And like magic the doctor said "You have to get your weight down." Yeah, I know...
First of all, I have lived in this body for many moons now...I think I know I am not (nor will I ever be) a size 8. Pointing it out to me makes me - in no particular order - sad, ashamed, angry, depressed, embarrassed and rebellious (oh yeah well I will go to KFC and eat a WHOLE BUCKET of chicken...I'll show you who's fat!!). I am not the size of a circus tent however, I don't need a crane to get me out of the house. I am not an old lady whose bones are so brittle the wind blows and they break. I am a "middle aged active woman" and I don't think any doctor really knows how to deal with that.
I understand the doctors are trying to help, but telling me that I "need to get the weight down" does not help. When I tell them what exercise I like to do they look at me and say I "can't". I "can't" dance, do yoga, go walking outside, bike outside and absolutely no jogging. When I asked him what I CAN do he looked at me like I have 3 heads. I had to pull teeth to get an answer the other day. I CAN swim (bleh) I CAN walk on a treadmill (?) and I CAN bike on a stationary bike (??). Wait...What? The Doc would prefer that I don't do these same activities outside because of problems with the roads...but if I know where I can walk outside where there are no bumps or hills or pitfalls that should be okay, right? No answer...
I can't seem to get a straight answer from a physical therapist either. I think that they are used to working with people who are always stationary. I tried to go to a sports therapist but I wasn't thrilled with the price or the utter lack of enthusiasm (mmm, you aren't thin so you must not understand what you want). Its really not that hard and I can't explain it any better than I already have. I am an active middle aged woman. I have 3 kids and I have to chase them. I like to hike and dance. FIX ME SO I CAN DO THESE THINGS!!
*sigh* I need to schedule surgery before I injure myself further. I don't know when that would be "convenient" to my schedule because I am (and my kids are) active and we have a lot of stuff already on the schedule for the fall. I don't know what to do about workouts now either. Usually I fall back on food and eat badly, but I don't want to and so the cookies and candy aren't being touched...and through all of this I am not losing weight or gaining weight. I have maintained the same weight for 3 years (I just had a physical and it was confirmed). It is a cycle of madness and I want off the cycle.
I want to be given helpful advice from a Doc who understands what it is that I do. I want to know what the best course of action is on diet and exercise that will make me happy and fit. I want to be congratulated on not blowing up to the size of a small car because every so often I go out to eat. I don't want to be a buff bodybuilder...I just want to be the best me I can be.
So why does that feel like its too much to ask for?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Question Two...Oh Myth! Myth? Yeth?
I know we are heading for the end of September and maybe some pagan bloggers have given up (or finished) the 44 Questions but I will persevere...and besides, it helps me to think of something outside of myself to write about...onto Question 2:
Tell a Myth or Story from Folklore
In a previous post I wrote of my love for fairy tales so this question is an easy one for me. I am going to re-tell an excellent story that reads like long lost folklore but it is a modern creation. Meghan B. Collins wrote it in 1982 and it is featured in the book "Don't Bet on the Prince: Contemporary Feminist Fairy Tales in North America and England".
The Green Woman
Once upon a time there lived a woman on the edge of a little village. People knew her as a Healer and she had a wonderful garden where she picked the best herbs and ingredients for her brews. Her cottage was at the edge of the forest so she could easily find mushrooms and mosses, too. Her knowledge was passed down to her from her grandmother and mother and everyone in the village respected her and her ways.
One day the Governor's Wife came by and requested a secret appointment with the Healer, which she obliged. The Wife told the Healer that the Governor is old and was getting antsy about the fact that she hadn't gotten pregnant yet. "Ah" thought the Healer "I know how to help her". So she asked the Wife many questions about her love life and cycle and made a tea while she talked. She gave the Wife instructions to drink the tea each day before bed and she should be pregnant by the next cycle of the moon.
A month later the Wife came back, still not pregnant. So the Healer brewed a stronger tea and told the Wife that it would be best for the Governor to come so she can brew something for him. "I'll just take whatever you give me to him and make him drink it." She said "He doesn't know that I am coming to you." Annoyed but still willing to help, the Healer obliged again and told her that this should work by the next cycle of the moon.
A month later the Wife came back again, still not pregnant. The Healer is not sure what to do at this point. She doesn't want to tell her that her husband may be sterile. So she waits for the Wife to speak. The Wife tells her that this is the last time she is coming here. If she is not pregnant by next month she is going to accuse the Healer of Witchcraft which will save her place as the Governor's Wife but destroy the Healer's life. The Healer is a clever woman. Instead of fighting a fight that she knows she cannot win she asks the Wife to come back in 3 days for a new special brew with the freshest herbs she can find. The Wife agrees.
Three days later the Wife comes in and the Healer gives her the new brew. Outside the Healer's hut is one of her helpers, a strong, handsome man with a kind face. He is turning over the dirt and planting more seedlings. The Wife is surprised by this but does her business quickly with the Healer and leaves, but not before really looking over the Gardener. The Healer waits for the Wife to leave. After the Wife is gone for a good time she turns to the Gardener and gives him a brew to drink. She then says "Go to The Wife and call on her. She will let you in and nature should take its course."
And we should conclude that the Healer was spared from trial...:)
So you takes knowledge and cleverness to make a wish come true...
Have a great day!
Tell a Myth or Story from Folklore
In a previous post I wrote of my love for fairy tales so this question is an easy one for me. I am going to re-tell an excellent story that reads like long lost folklore but it is a modern creation. Meghan B. Collins wrote it in 1982 and it is featured in the book "Don't Bet on the Prince: Contemporary Feminist Fairy Tales in North America and England".
The Green Woman
Once upon a time there lived a woman on the edge of a little village. People knew her as a Healer and she had a wonderful garden where she picked the best herbs and ingredients for her brews. Her cottage was at the edge of the forest so she could easily find mushrooms and mosses, too. Her knowledge was passed down to her from her grandmother and mother and everyone in the village respected her and her ways.
One day the Governor's Wife came by and requested a secret appointment with the Healer, which she obliged. The Wife told the Healer that the Governor is old and was getting antsy about the fact that she hadn't gotten pregnant yet. "Ah" thought the Healer "I know how to help her". So she asked the Wife many questions about her love life and cycle and made a tea while she talked. She gave the Wife instructions to drink the tea each day before bed and she should be pregnant by the next cycle of the moon.
A month later the Wife came back, still not pregnant. So the Healer brewed a stronger tea and told the Wife that it would be best for the Governor to come so she can brew something for him. "I'll just take whatever you give me to him and make him drink it." She said "He doesn't know that I am coming to you." Annoyed but still willing to help, the Healer obliged again and told her that this should work by the next cycle of the moon.
A month later the Wife came back again, still not pregnant. The Healer is not sure what to do at this point. She doesn't want to tell her that her husband may be sterile. So she waits for the Wife to speak. The Wife tells her that this is the last time she is coming here. If she is not pregnant by next month she is going to accuse the Healer of Witchcraft which will save her place as the Governor's Wife but destroy the Healer's life. The Healer is a clever woman. Instead of fighting a fight that she knows she cannot win she asks the Wife to come back in 3 days for a new special brew with the freshest herbs she can find. The Wife agrees.
Three days later the Wife comes in and the Healer gives her the new brew. Outside the Healer's hut is one of her helpers, a strong, handsome man with a kind face. He is turning over the dirt and planting more seedlings. The Wife is surprised by this but does her business quickly with the Healer and leaves, but not before really looking over the Gardener. The Healer waits for the Wife to leave. After the Wife is gone for a good time she turns to the Gardener and gives him a brew to drink. She then says "Go to The Wife and call on her. She will let you in and nature should take its course."
And we should conclude that the Healer was spared from trial...:)
So you takes knowledge and cleverness to make a wish come true...
Have a great day!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Blessed Mabon! Blessed Equinox! Blessed Fall!
This is my favorite time of year...the time of changing. I am blessed to have a birthday by equinox, to me it means that I usher in the Fall. Since I am lucky to live in Massachusetts I get to see the beauty of the leaves changing right before my eyes. I see the fields around me turn to hay. There are plenty of orchards for me to go to and pick apples. Apples are a great symbol of Mabon. They are ripe and fresh to pick and enjoy but you have to plant the seeds now if you want to grow an apple tree.
Mabon is all about balance...the light vs. the dark. Summer sun and fun outside turns to Fall dark and planning inside. Everyone starts planning fall and winter holidays now, whether they are Halloween costumes or who's hosting Thanksgiving or how to make your budget work with winter gift giving. School is back in session and for those of us who have kids in school in the Northeast its all about making sure that they have the sneakers, sweaters, gloves, coats, boots, hats, umbrellas, snowshoes, sleds, mittens, flares, etc. The planning may have started in August but we are really starting to get everything together by September (or at least I am...).
The Chaos of Summer leads to the Quiet of the Fall. In the beginning of the month there is the run around of getting things ready and registering kids for different activities. Schedules are a MESS and you are trying to balance all of it without losing your mind. The other side of that coin is the wonderful peace that you get when you don't have your child around you constantly (Again at least that is what happens to me...toddler moms and homeschool moms what is September like for you?).
Patti Wigington @ has wonderful advice for Mabon:
"Meditate on the things you wish to change. Focus on eliminating the bad and strengthening the good around you. Put toxic relationships and habits into the past, where they belong. Welcome new positive relationships and habits into your life. Let the baggage go, and take heart in knowing that for every dark night of the soul there will be a sunrise the next morning."
My Blessing to you is this:
Light a candle and eat an apple slowly, taking your time to savor it. Happiness in life needs moments like this. They need the solitude and the quiet, the moment for you. Don't eat the apple in front of a screen or while talking. Go outside and sit and just be. When you are invited out, GO. Enjoy your time with friends or your children and do something fun. Make an apple pie or mull some cider. Welcome Fall and turn over a new leaf.
Blessed Be,
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Question (Lucky) Thirteen
Question 13 (in the list of 44 questions that some Pagan Blogs are answering this month) is:
What are some of the Books that influenced you?
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
This is the book that first introduced me to Paganism. It is very feminist but fair. A very good read from a historical point of view and for explaining each of the different elements.
Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner by Scott Cunningham
This book showed me how to put everything I learned in Spiral Dance together. It included simple spells, simple rituals and helps you to understand that Wicca is a place in your heart. Scott Cunningham was a very gentle soul and it came across in his writing.
A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar
This reads like a textbook - which is its intent. It can be very critical of society and of Christianity. For all of this it is essential to have this book in your library. It explains every precept of Wicca and gives historical references. It has wonderful rituals and pictures laid out to show you how to set up an altar or how to make a robe. It gives all the words for specific chants and magickal workings. It explains all sorts of beliefs like reincarnation, the Summerlands and the Law of Three.
The Witches' Goddess and The Witches' God by Janet and Stewart Farrar
These 2 books are also essential for your library as they have a quick summary of almost every myth imaginable. They do a great job of introducing you to The Gods and they leave enough of an opening for you to explore on your own.
Have a beautiful day!
What are some of the Books that influenced you?
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
This is the book that first introduced me to Paganism. It is very feminist but fair. A very good read from a historical point of view and for explaining each of the different elements.
Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner by Scott Cunningham
This book showed me how to put everything I learned in Spiral Dance together. It included simple spells, simple rituals and helps you to understand that Wicca is a place in your heart. Scott Cunningham was a very gentle soul and it came across in his writing.
A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches Handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar
This reads like a textbook - which is its intent. It can be very critical of society and of Christianity. For all of this it is essential to have this book in your library. It explains every precept of Wicca and gives historical references. It has wonderful rituals and pictures laid out to show you how to set up an altar or how to make a robe. It gives all the words for specific chants and magickal workings. It explains all sorts of beliefs like reincarnation, the Summerlands and the Law of Three.
The Witches' Goddess and The Witches' God by Janet and Stewart Farrar
These 2 books are also essential for your library as they have a quick summary of almost every myth imaginable. They do a great job of introducing you to The Gods and they leave enough of an opening for you to explore on your own.
Have a beautiful day!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Question One...
Last week I wrote that a few Pagan Blogs are having a 44 question/answer challenge that I would try to do. Its more like a prompt and I answered question 35 last week. I think I am going to be all traditional today and answer question one:
What is your Witchy Background?
As a child I really loved Fairy Tales...
Now don't dismiss that. I didn't love the fairy tales for the princess or the prince or the witch . I loved the stories. I was starved for stories and I would read and re-read fairy tales to pass the time. The visions that I had in my head as I read them was definitely the stuff of dreams. They opened my mind to new possibilities and solving problems in a way I hadn't thought of before.
When we started studying Ancient History in 6th grade I was fascinated with the Gods and the civilization of Sumer, Egypt, and Greece. I never liked the Romans. I thought they killed off alot of creativity in conquering Greece and they just glorified war and men. I enjoyed reading the Bible and I was very excited to find out that Jesus was REAL. A wonderful, peace-loving and magical man had walked the earth. To me, that meant that the other stories I read could've been real too.
I went to Catholic School for 12 years. They did a good job of showing me that the stories weren't real and that they never were. I did have a few great English teachers who taught me about metaphors and how the lessons in the stories were real. And that they all boiled down to the one lesson that I have taken to heart all these years "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
I didn't discover Wicca until I was in college. I had 2 beautiful women point me in right direction. One of them was a manager at a bookstore that I worked at. We were talking about history and God and she asked me "Why can't God be a woman?". The other was my roommate at the time (and she would be my Maid of Honor at my wedding) bought me The Spiral Dance from Starhawk and told me that I needed to read it. I really opened up to Wicca when I read about Karma and the one rule "Harm None but do as you will".
I did alot of soul searching (and had many sleepless nights thanks to Catholic Guilt). One of the things that I always loved about Catholics was the devotion to Mary. So I prayed to Her to help me figure out my path. In praying I found that She is Goddess. Simple as that. The fairy tale stories came to life for me then. I recognized the archetypes of the Gods and Goddesses, of Heroes and Villains, of Fools and Witches. I vowed that I would be a part of this place. Why? Because it keeps magic alive in the world (and it makes me happy). Didn't Jesus say to come to Him like a child? Isn't a child fascinated by the magic of the world? Who is to say that we shouldn't approach everyday with the love and fascination of a child and discover our inner God/dess?
In my travels of trying to find like minds I came upon a beautiful little witch shop. They held open circles in the back, in a little backyard grotto, every Monday. That is where my physical training to be a Priestess happened. My true training started long ago in loving fairy tales.
What is your Witchy Background?
As a child I really loved Fairy Tales...
Now don't dismiss that. I didn't love the fairy tales for the princess or the prince or the witch . I loved the stories. I was starved for stories and I would read and re-read fairy tales to pass the time. The visions that I had in my head as I read them was definitely the stuff of dreams. They opened my mind to new possibilities and solving problems in a way I hadn't thought of before.
When we started studying Ancient History in 6th grade I was fascinated with the Gods and the civilization of Sumer, Egypt, and Greece. I never liked the Romans. I thought they killed off alot of creativity in conquering Greece and they just glorified war and men. I enjoyed reading the Bible and I was very excited to find out that Jesus was REAL. A wonderful, peace-loving and magical man had walked the earth. To me, that meant that the other stories I read could've been real too.
I went to Catholic School for 12 years. They did a good job of showing me that the stories weren't real and that they never were. I did have a few great English teachers who taught me about metaphors and how the lessons in the stories were real. And that they all boiled down to the one lesson that I have taken to heart all these years "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
I didn't discover Wicca until I was in college. I had 2 beautiful women point me in right direction. One of them was a manager at a bookstore that I worked at. We were talking about history and God and she asked me "Why can't God be a woman?". The other was my roommate at the time (and she would be my Maid of Honor at my wedding) bought me The Spiral Dance from Starhawk and told me that I needed to read it. I really opened up to Wicca when I read about Karma and the one rule "Harm None but do as you will".
I did alot of soul searching (and had many sleepless nights thanks to Catholic Guilt). One of the things that I always loved about Catholics was the devotion to Mary. So I prayed to Her to help me figure out my path. In praying I found that She is Goddess. Simple as that. The fairy tale stories came to life for me then. I recognized the archetypes of the Gods and Goddesses, of Heroes and Villains, of Fools and Witches. I vowed that I would be a part of this place. Why? Because it keeps magic alive in the world (and it makes me happy). Didn't Jesus say to come to Him like a child? Isn't a child fascinated by the magic of the world? Who is to say that we shouldn't approach everyday with the love and fascination of a child and discover our inner God/dess?
In my travels of trying to find like minds I came upon a beautiful little witch shop. They held open circles in the back, in a little backyard grotto, every Monday. That is where my physical training to be a Priestess happened. My true training started long ago in loving fairy tales.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
The Kids are back at school and so am I...
There is a Pagan Blog called Salem WitchChild and she made a list of 44 blog entries. A few other Pagan Blogs are meeting that challenge and I am thinking of joining them...:)
Here is the list:
- What’s your witchy background?
- A myth or story from folklore.
- Witchy tools: athame.
- Picture of nature (water element).
- A favourite Goddess.
- A favourite God.
- Air element.
- A photo of a magical place outdoors.
- A favourite mythological animal.
- Your sun sign.
- Witchy tools: oils.
- Picture of nature (air element).
- What are some of the witchy books that influenced you?
- A favourite pagan holiday that you celebrate.
- Thoughts on the afterlife?
- Favourite witchy website(s).
- Picture of nature (fire element).
- Have you had any paranormal experiences?
- Fire element.
- A picture of a tarot or oracle card, and its meaning.
- A favourite scent.
- Current moon phase.
- A favourite candle.
- Your moon sign.
- How do your close ones feel about your witchy path? Do they know? Why or why not?
- A witchy podcast.
- Picture of nature (earth element).
- A picture of a witchy I-Want-It-Now!
- Water element.
- Witchy tools: wand.
- A favourite pagan/witchy movie.
- A pagan/witchy artwork.
- Faerie of your choice.
- Rune of your choice.
- Something that I think people who don’t know much about paganism/witchcraft should know.
- Flower of your choice, and its magical properties.
- A famous pagan/witch!
- Witchy tools: cauldron.
- Something that inspires you.
- Your altar, if you have one!
- A spell you’ve done.
- A favourite nature spirit.
- A magical recipe.
- Witch’s choice!
It will be inspiring for me to get back to my roots and hopefully educational for those who read this who are not familiar at all with Wicca.
So for now I am going to do number 35:
Something that I think people who don't know much about paganism/witchcraft should know...
Just like any religion or way of life there are good people and bad people. Just because you read about this one person who claimed they are a witch and they ate a baby doesn't mean that that is what I do. Each person has their own beliefs of their God/dess. I love to be in ritual. Some of my sisters don't. Some witches read Tarot or Runes...others don't. Everyone is different. If you knew that person before they told you that they worship the earth, chances are that person is still the same. They haven't changed who they are, they just let you know what they personally believe. Your perception of them should not change. You can still trust them to get you a coffee at DD without worrying that they "put a spell on it". Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all Christians listen to Fox News. Not all Witches are hippies living off the grid.
When someone asks me what I believe I tell them that I think of God as Mother (and Father but to a lesser degree). I believe that the stories of Ancient Gods give us a way to understand them (like the Bible helps people to understand their God). I believe that the SPIRIT of God is the same whether you call Her by Isis or Him by Vishnu. God is Love and Love is Universal. Each person is filled with this Love and therefore each person deserves respect. Not all Witches will answer this question like I did and that is what makes the world wonderful.
CoExist. Be Tolerant and Compassionate. Shine.
And if someone cuts you off on the highway its ok to be frustrated...:)
See you next time!
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