Friday, September 23, 2011


Blessed Mabon!  Blessed Equinox!  Blessed Fall!

This is my favorite time of year...the time of changing.  I am blessed to have a birthday by equinox, to me it means that I usher in the Fall.  Since I am lucky to live in Massachusetts I get to see the beauty of the leaves changing right before my eyes.  I see the fields around me turn to hay.  There are plenty of orchards for me to go to and pick apples.  Apples are a great symbol of Mabon.  They are ripe and fresh to pick and enjoy but you have to plant the seeds now if you want to grow an apple tree.

Mabon is all about balance...the light vs. the dark.  Summer sun and fun outside turns to Fall dark and planning inside.  Everyone starts planning fall and winter holidays now, whether they are Halloween costumes or who's hosting Thanksgiving or how to make your budget work with winter gift giving.  School is back in session and for those of us who have kids in school in the Northeast its all about making sure that they have the sneakers, sweaters, gloves, coats, boots, hats, umbrellas, snowshoes, sleds, mittens, flares, etc.  The planning may have started in August but we are really starting to get everything together by September (or at least I am...).

The Chaos of Summer leads to the Quiet of the Fall.  In the beginning of the month there is the run around of  getting things ready and registering kids for different activities.  Schedules are a MESS and you are trying to balance all of it without losing your mind.  The other side of that coin is the wonderful peace that you get when you don't have your child around you constantly (Again at least that is what happens to me...toddler moms and homeschool moms what is September like for you?).

Patti Wigington @ has wonderful advice for Mabon:
"Meditate on the things you wish to change.  Focus on eliminating the bad and strengthening the good around you.  Put toxic relationships and habits into the past, where they belong.  Welcome new positive relationships and habits into your life.  Let the baggage go, and take heart in knowing that for every dark night of the soul there will be a sunrise the next morning."

My Blessing to you is this:
Light a candle and eat an apple slowly, taking your time to savor it.  Happiness in life needs moments like this.  They need the solitude and the quiet, the moment for you.  Don't eat the apple in front of a screen or while talking.  Go outside and sit and just be.  When you are invited out, GO.  Enjoy your time with friends or your children and do something fun.  Make an apple pie or mull some cider.  Welcome Fall and turn over a new leaf.

Blessed Be,

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