Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Question One...

Last week I wrote that a few Pagan Blogs are having a 44 question/answer challenge that I would try to do. Its more like a prompt and I answered question 35 last week.  I think I am going to be all traditional today and answer question one:

What is your Witchy Background?

As a child I really loved Fairy Tales...

Now don't dismiss that. I didn't love the fairy tales for the princess or the prince or the witch .  I loved the stories.  I was starved for stories and I would read and re-read fairy tales to pass the time.  The visions that I had in my head as I read them was definitely the stuff of dreams.  They opened my mind to new possibilities and solving problems in a way I hadn't thought of before.

When we started studying Ancient History in 6th grade I was fascinated with the Gods and the civilization of Sumer, Egypt, and Greece.  I never liked the Romans.  I thought they killed off alot of creativity in conquering Greece and they just glorified war and men.  I enjoyed reading the Bible and I was very excited to find out that Jesus was REAL.  A wonderful, peace-loving and magical man had walked the earth.  To me, that meant that the other stories I read could've been real too.

I went to Catholic School for 12 years.  They did a good job of showing me that the stories weren't real and that they never were.  I did have a few great English teachers who taught me about metaphors and how the lessons in the stories were real.  And that they all boiled down to the one lesson that I have taken to heart all these years "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

I didn't discover Wicca until I was in college.  I had 2 beautiful women point me in right direction.  One of them was a manager at a bookstore that I worked at.  We were talking about history and God and she asked me "Why can't God be a woman?".  The other was my roommate at the time (and she would be my Maid of Honor at my wedding) bought me The Spiral Dance from Starhawk and told me that I needed to read it.  I really opened up to Wicca when I read about Karma and the one rule "Harm None but do as you will".

I did alot of soul searching (and had many sleepless nights thanks to Catholic Guilt).  One of the things that I always loved about Catholics was the devotion to Mary.  So I prayed to Her to help me figure out my path.  In praying I found that She is Goddess.  Simple as that.  The fairy tale stories came to life for me then.  I recognized the archetypes of the Gods and Goddesses, of Heroes and Villains, of Fools and Witches.  I vowed that I would be a part of this place.  Why?  Because it keeps magic alive in the world (and it makes me happy).  Didn't Jesus say to come to Him like a child?  Isn't a child fascinated by the magic of the world?  Who is to say that we shouldn't approach everyday with the love and fascination of a child and discover our inner God/dess?

In my travels of trying to find like minds I came upon a beautiful little witch shop.  They held open circles in the back, in a little backyard grotto, every Monday.  That is where my physical training to be a Priestess happened.  My true training started long ago in loving fairy tales.

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