Thank you
[on-uh-stee]noun, plural -ties.
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truthfulness, sincerity, or frankness.
freedom from deceit or fraud.
What does that even mean today? So many people show us false faces. So many business people tell us lies. So much of the media is here to deceive us. If we show our true intentions there are rightly fears that we could be branded a bigot or a traitor or an abuser, even if we are not. There are too many people watching and judging what we do and say. We only have one sensible course of hide who we are or what we do. We hide from our friends (even true ones) we tell ourselves lie after lie after lie that it is ok, what we are doing, we are protecting them or the ones we love.
That is not Honesty.
Honesty is taking a clear look at what you are doing. Honesty means being vulnerable. Honesty means knowing that you don't have the answers and that you are willing to go find them or get help. Honesty can be brutal but wise. Honesty is scary but safe. Honesty is sadness but fulfillment. Honesty is being true to yourself down to your core, knowing your mistakes or issues and not pretending that they don't exist.
Honesty to oneself is the only way to grow as a be a better person than you are right now. You have to trust.
reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of aperson or thing; confidence.
confident expectation of something; hope.
the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
Trust is knowing that deep within you are being honest with yourself and others. Trust is knowing that the people you surround yourself with aren't screwing you over or talking behind your back. Trust is being true in spite of the fact that you want to hide or make up a story. Trust is being real.
Life isn't pretty. Life can punch you in the gut and wrench out your heart. I have been abused. I have been lied to. I have been deceived. I have been mistreated. I have been bullied. I have been made fun of. I have had people leave my life and I have been miserable about it. I have had people I love die. I have had pets I love die. I have had friendship end. I have had really shitty weeks. I contemplated suicide everyday for 5 years. I have lost jobs. I have failed.
AND I trusted that life had to be better than all that...and it has been.
I had to be honest with myself about certain things in my life and in doing so I was able to trust myself to make the right choices and live my life my way. My life is no where near perfect. The little things that I can't make better can still drag me down. Overall, I find my life acceptable because I am honest with myself and I trust those around me that when I am in need I can rely on them.
And when you are honest with yourself and you trust those around you then you have found love. Love of self, love of life, love of others.
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust
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