Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beltane Blessings

Its May, Its May
The month of yes you may...

Beltane is the opposite of is an in-between time of high magic and energy.  It is anticipating the light that is coming at Summer Solstice and it is a celebration of Spring to Summer.  

The holidays that precede Beltane have all talked about Spring (Imbolc and Equinox) but Beltane is when you really feel it.  You can get "twitterpated" (from the Disney movie "Bambi") you can get excited, you can get motivated, and you can get overwhelmed and feel run over.  EVERYONE wants to do things in May or in anticipation of May (this weekend alone was packed for me and the week before was planning for the weekend and ACK!).  AND THEN After May is June and after June is SUMMER!

Let's take a step back for a minute.  We, or at least I, want to be present in the day, making the day count.  Media and School and Calendars force you to look forward all. the. time.  What's next, is on everyone's lips, instead of What's NOW.  We are at NOW now... its the high energy and the happiness of finding something new.  That excitement is what spring is all about.  Beltane is the ultimate day of give me what I want RIGHT NOW and DAMN WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.

So go out and get that ice cream or that pedicure.  Snatch 5 minutes RIGHT NOW to do something you never do...and enjoy it...try not to feel guilty and take some pleasure in it.  After all, this is the Month of "Yes, you May."

Happy Beltane!!

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