Monday, May 21, 2012

3 views of Pagan Deism

This is a great article from The Pagan Perspective on HOW a pagan thinks of the Gods.  I know that I fall into blue moving a bit toward green...I also know and have practiced with people who fall into yellow and red...which color are you?

Three Views of Pagan Deism

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Spirit Rice

Tara Black writes a Blog called Spirit Rice.  She also wrote a Fabulous book called On the Right Path: Walking through God to Get to the Goddess...if you like her style I would urge you to read the book and her blog.  This is her latest offering:

To ME or not to ME



My world is changing.  This may well be the last summer of sending kids to camps.  I will soon have 3 children in 3 different schools, 2 (well let's face it 3) sets of new attitudes and here I am, a mom trying to figure this brave new world.  So much of my life is "on hold" as I try to make sense of each step...I have to take each day one step at a time, one day at a time or I will miss everything.

I am always stressed out.  My schedule looks like the Invasion of Normandy. Every. Day.  I am drowning in emails I need to send, things I need to do.  I get super-pissy when I ask for a meeting or an email or something and I don't hear back from people.  I snap when I think people are judging me.  I get sad when I think people are ignoring me.

Life as a Mom has gotten really hard...again (!) and it actually makes me wish for 2 toddlers again (seriously).  I don't do well with change.  I want the routine.  I want the peace of mind knowing that A follows B and follows C.  Everyday is a new exception to the rules.  Everyday is a new fire to put out.

Yesterday was my last ever Junior Girl Scout meeting.  These girls are all going to different schools and joining different clubs and I don't know if they are ever going to get back together.  They gave me a book to say thank you.  A book that had a page for each of them to tell me how much I had changed their lives.  I was blown away (and yes I cried).  I needed to hear that.  In the midst of all the Chaos, I needed to hear that I helped them and made the world a better place for them and that they would take some of these lessons from Girl Scouts and bring them to their new schools.

It's funny, When my kids graduate or bridge I don't feel like I am graduating with them, but maybe I am.
Maybe I am bridging to a new part of life.   And maybe the reason I am so stressed and mad is because I really want to stay on the bridge and have both worlds.

But maybe I need to get excited about being on the other side.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beltane Blessings

Its May, Its May
The month of yes you may...

Beltane is the opposite of is an in-between time of high magic and energy.  It is anticipating the light that is coming at Summer Solstice and it is a celebration of Spring to Summer.  

The holidays that precede Beltane have all talked about Spring (Imbolc and Equinox) but Beltane is when you really feel it.  You can get "twitterpated" (from the Disney movie "Bambi") you can get excited, you can get motivated, and you can get overwhelmed and feel run over.  EVERYONE wants to do things in May or in anticipation of May (this weekend alone was packed for me and the week before was planning for the weekend and ACK!).  AND THEN After May is June and after June is SUMMER!

Let's take a step back for a minute.  We, or at least I, want to be present in the day, making the day count.  Media and School and Calendars force you to look forward all. the. time.  What's next, is on everyone's lips, instead of What's NOW.  We are at NOW now... its the high energy and the happiness of finding something new.  That excitement is what spring is all about.  Beltane is the ultimate day of give me what I want RIGHT NOW and DAMN WHAT HAPPENS NEXT.

So go out and get that ice cream or that pedicure.  Snatch 5 minutes RIGHT NOW to do something you never do...and enjoy it...try not to feel guilty and take some pleasure in it.  After all, this is the Month of "Yes, you May."

Happy Beltane!!