Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I got nothing but links

There has been alot of stress and busy-ness in my life and I haven't had a chance to think about spiritual things or even put into words the wonderfulness/ridiculousness of my kids.  In other words, I got nothing.

Sometimes life is like that I guess.  You get so bogged down in the day to day movement of your world that you can't stop and are always moving to the next thing.  I try to remember to breathe and say thanks but sometimes its enough that at the end of the day you fed the kids and got them safely home and you are folding laundry while watching The Daily Show.

So when I have nothing and I want to just be, and maybe find a smile or 2, here are the places I go on the Web:

Growing up with a bakery in the family makes me love Cake Wrecks.  I can't understand how a bakery would put out anything like the things on this site and Jen is really snarky.

With a love of nerdy things Epbot is fun to browse, also written by Jen of Cake Wrecks.

The new craze Pinterest is highly addicting as its just pictures from all over the web.  There is alot of crafty and inspirational stuff as well as humor and art...and you can "pin" these to your own "board" so you can find that craft that you have wanted to do for years and stare at the picture while still not doing it... guilty as charged...

Getting back to the geek, my hubby turned me on to xkcd a web comic that appears every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Sometimes I go to eBay to look for teacups (or Coach bags) or Etsy to look for jewelry (or funky sweaters).

The Bloggess is amazing, inspiring, hilarious and has made me want to go out and get a red dress and start it traveling.

This should be just enough web-surfing for those in between books and appointments and I have 15 minutes before the next thing and I want to see a pretty picture.

You're Welcome.

Happy Leap Day!

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