Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy Venus Day!

I know its Saturday.  There was sickness lurking in my house and I was losing my mind with everyone coughing, hacking, and interrupting everything...which amounted to no post on Wednesday.  So lucky you, you get one today.  You're Welcome.

I know alot of people who HATE Valentine's day.  HATE HATE HATE.  I am in the middle somewhere...I don't hate it but I am not excited to paint the whole world pink and red.  I understand when you don't have a romance in your life you tend to hate the romantic shit.  I also understand that when you are broken up you tend to hate the romantic shit.  Even when you have romantic love in your life some people tend to go overboard with the flowers, hearts and chocolate.  Personally, I hate Valentine's Day for kids.  Kids do not know romantic love and they shouldn't be handing out Valentine's.  Turning the holiday into a friendship day is nice but that means they are still forced into giving a card that talks about friendship to a kid who is taunting them.  I remember back in elementary school watching kids throw out the Valentine's I made them.   Good times were had by all...

I am one of those people who LOVE holidays.  LOVE LOVE LOVE.  Anything to decorate and make it special I will throw myself into it.  But the hearts and lace and flowers are really not my cup of tea to begin with.  And a holiday that makes you sad that you aren't with someone isn't really a good reason for a holiday at all.

When I was learning All About Wicca I remember one of my friends saying "Happy Venus Day" on February 14th and I really liked that.  I never understood why the day was call Valentine's anyway and dedicated to a saint that had nothing to do with romantic love.  I know that the legend is he wrote the first Valentine and besides a pretty name what else is there?   Plus I never liked how Cupid was the main character for this holiday and why is Cupid always portrayed as an armed winged baby?  Is that because once you are in love you are supposed to want to have babies or else?

Venus is Cupid's Mother.  She is Love and he is an extension of that love.  Her myths state that she is sexual above all else and she offers prosperity and good luck but I see her as the epitome of Love Of Self.  She is confidence.  Venus knows that she is beautiful.  She knows that she can get whatever love or gifts she wants.  She never sacrifices herself to get a lover.  She brings them to Her.  She doesn't second guess her choices or her life.  She accepts it and says "Take me for what I am and love me".  There are no apologies for who she is.  She just is.  She doesn't care if no one gives her flowers.  If she wants flowers she will go get them herself, because she loves herself.

Here is a wonderful thought for your February 14th.   Dress how you want to dress.  Be yourself.  Be confidant that you are wonderful.  And above all love yourself for all that you are.  Be Venus for a day...

And wait to buy the candy on February'll be half off...:)

In Love and Chocolate,

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