A Very Belated and Blessed 2012 to ALL!!
I have been quiet because I was happily overrun with family at the holidaze and after party after party after travel after helping hosting after friends after travel after "What do you mean you have HOMEWORK OVER VACATION?!?" after sick after better after dazed...there is the bliss of no one in my house but me and cats.
Silence is a wonderful blessed thing. I am very lucky that my mind has been pretty clear. Oh, there has been stress but under it is a calm. This calm says, calmly, "get through this and then rest."
And that is what I have been doing.
I don't know if its because I am just getting older and slowing down (down from 100 mph to maybe 70 mph BTW) or if I have found a kind of peace. If its peace then its knowing that I am ok and my life is ok and I don't need the validation anymore. Maybe its the peace of "oh thank goddess the holidaze are over" or the peace and promise of a new year. If its slowing down and my body is (rightfully) protecting me than so be it. I need the protection. I have miles to go before I am old and feeble and whatever help my body wants to give me then I will take it.
Winter is the time of hibernation. Winter is the time of coming back to you before the blossoms of spring rouse you to go out and see the world. Maybe that is what I am doing...well, whatever it is I like it.
Have a cup of tea with me and bask in the warmth and the silence,
Until next time,
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