Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blessed Imbolc! Spring come to me!


Imbolc is a Gaelic word and it means literally “in the Belly” which some take to mean milk or milking. If we lived in a farming community, this would be the start of the breeding season and the cows have milk. But this isn't a day just about milk and cows. This time of year can also be called the Quickening. Spring is coming!!  It may not seem like it with the cold and wind but it really is. The darkest of Winter is over! The sun is staying out longer. The earth is getting soft from the snow running off as water and its muddy not icy. Dead branches have been knocked down to clear the way for new life. This is the traditional time to start planting.

Speaking of traditions, Imbolc has a wide range of them, from lesser known to what we all know. I'll start in Ireland where it was the most celebrated because this is Brigid's day – call her Goddess or Mother or Saint – Feb 2nd is her day. Brigid is associated with sacred flames, holy wells, healing and crafts. Brigid is a virgin, yet also the patron of midwives. To honor her little dolls are made and placed in baskets on this day and these are called Brid's bed. Children can carry these from house to house to bestow blessings on the community and to “let Brigid in”. You can also make Brigid's Crosses on this day, as a matter of fact you are only supposed to make them once a year and then throw the old one on the fire – to symbolize the passing of the year. I do something similar by saving a piece of my christmas wreath or tree and I burn this on Imbolc.

Candlemas is the Christian name for this holiday. In the 4th century, when the feast of Christmas was introduced as December 25th  Candlemas then fell 40 days later. It is the honoring of the Virgin Mary and her Purification after giving birth. This is the most Ancient of all the festivals to honor Mary. But why candles? Well, according to Pope Innocent XII, since February was once dedicated to Demeter and Persephone and since Demeter "sought her daughter with candles" “...the holy fathers could not get rid of the custom, they ordained that Christians should carry about candles in honor of the Blessed Virgin; and thus what was done before in the honor Demeter is now done in honor of Mary” or as I like to call it, All Goddesses are one Goddess.  
So...after all of this...you may ask...Why a groundhog?
Well, it stems from an ancient belief that ANY hibernating creature is able to predict the arrival of springtime by their emergence. There have been a variety of animals that can do this: snakes, badgers, bears and when the Germans got here... they found groundhogs...
If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.

In order to welcome the joy of spring into our hearts we need to have a Spring Clean. The year is starting to grow and we make plans and plant seeds. What new beginnings do you want to have?
With this intention place yourself in a sacred space, take a few deep cleansing breaths. Now what spring cleaning do you need to do? Do you need to let go of self doubt? To let your fears or bygones go so that you may move forward? There is something in each of us that we need to let go of.  Shake it off of you.  Shake your head, hands, body, and feet!  Shake the negative away from you and let it fall like dust around you (and when you get a second sweep it away!)
Your mind and your heart should be less dark now.  Bring in the light...to your heart, mind and soul.  Welcome Brigid, Welcome Spring.  In Joy and Love I wish all of you a Blessed Imbolc, a warm spring and a wonderful new year. 
So mote it be.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January Blues

Its right there after the stress of the holidays but before spring...Sweet, Sweet January.  I look forward to January ALL DECEMBER.  Let's face it, I am a mom and I have a schload to do for the holidays (including a birthday for one of my own kids) then there are family obligations and travel then New Year's and then the kids are back in school and suddenly I am alone.

*happy sigh*

Slowly, the aloneness starts to get to me.  It may be little things like a load of laundry Every. Damn. Day. and piles of gifts that need to find a place to live, or the crunchy floor that even when you sweep something still remains (or the cat tormenting you by eating the dry food on the floor).  And I feel myself getting stressed and then depressed.

Then I go through the cycle of "But I have nothing to be depressed about!  I have friends!  I have family!  I have a good life!"  But truly none of that matters when you are feeling depressed.

There is an inside feeling of sadness and loneliness.  Its cold outside so you don't want to go out but you know you really shouldn't stay in.  The computer is wonderful but you sit all day and look for ANY email to come through.  You start playing mindless games (Angry Birds anyone?) and looking for stuff on the internet.

I usually go looking for political stuff but lately that has just got me more depressed so I try to go shopping.  What deals can I find on Ebay or Etsy?  What do I "need"?

*bored sigh*

When I get like this I know I need to snap out of it.  I make excuses though "I need the break" "I'll get to it later" "I'll wait until the kids get home".

When you are  in this state the best thing you CAN do is get up and get moving.  Break the tedium!  Even if its only for an hour...just go to the gym or outside and walk.  Go treat yourself to a cup of coffee.  Just go.  I know that for ALOT of people this is really difficult, especially for sufferers of chronic depression.  For me its not that extreme.  I do not cancel appointments or make excuses not to see people.  I am just listless in my day to day activities.  I don't call anyone to talk.  I don't ask anyone to have lunch or dinner.  I don't even watch TV.  I just sit and stare.  Sometimes its for 15 minutes, sometimes its seems all I did for the day is stare.  I wonder if I did anything wrong or why no one wants to hang out with me.

*sad sigh*

The January Blues are a real thing for me.  The good news, for me, is February is almost here.  Light is returning and Spring is on its way.  The bad news is that there are many people who are depressed and lonely right now and no week or month or holiday is going to change that.  If you can spare a moment, give a call to someone who you know who is listless or depressed.  If you can't do that, light a candle for them and send positive energy out to them that they may have a lift in their spirit and see the sun and walk outside for even a moment.

*determined sigh*

And now, if you will excuse me, I am going to stop staring and walk outside.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Why is it ok for the rich and famous to get time with the people that WE voted for?  Why can't we call them and tell them how we feel about laws that they are voting on?

Oh wait...WE CAN?  Then WE SHOULD!

Call your local Congress-person or Senator and Ask about SOPA and PIPA.  You can even tell them about your day to day struggles.  But make sure that you tell them that we voted them in and we can vote them out!

How you find your representative

How you find your Senator

Please call them today and keep the internet free.

Thank you

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Find your Power

I have two sets of Girl Scouts who are going to try to get their Bronze and Silver awards this year.  This involves independent community based service projects.  When they choose their teams they need to think about what they can bring to the team and what the others on the team can bring.  There are a few girls who will not make phone calls but they can make posters.  There are girls that will not speak in front of a crowd but they can help plan.  Each girl is learning that just because one person can do something it doesn't mean that the other girls who CAN'T do it are not good or have nothing to give to the team...they have other talents and that is ok.

I think we get caught up in what we can't do (or what we want to have that we don't) and we don't notice what we CAN do.  We fail to recognize our strengths and we focus (ALOT) on our weaknesses.  That isn't  good for your own sense of self and its not good for those around you.  Chances are if you have good friends surrounding you they know what you can't do and they accept it for who you are.  They build up your strengths.  They see you as an equal and they want to see you succeed.  If all you do when you are with them is talk about what you can't do or what you don't have chances are they will let you complain but they are sad that you can't see what your strengths are and what you have.

On the other side of the coin are those people who have the talents and they ignore them.  They say that what they are good at isn't anything important or they fail to realize that they even have a talent.  They can wallow in delusion and self pity because they are not happy and they can't understand why.  They don't recognize the power inside of themselves and they will not change.  This can be a dangerous combination. People like that can infect the crowd around them and then everyone will feel the sadness of what they haven't been able to achieve.

Everyone's path is different.  Sometimes we are able to walk with people for a long time on the same path.  Sometimes its just for a few feet before life changes and we separate.  That is how life is.  The people that you meet on your path are really special.  They may have a lesson or story to give you and you may have something they need.  You are together while you are working it out and giving each other advice and love.  When you move on it can be sad ("I can't believe that she just doesn't understand me anymore, we used to be such good friends!") but maybe its time that you move on too.  There are always other people around the corner willing to help and embrace you but you have to be open to it.  Of course there is a chance that you could chase them away but there is a possibility that you will find something really special after all.

Embrace who you are.  Embrace what you have to give to the world.  Recognize your power.
In turn, do this for everyone that you meet.
Happiness is this.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Discovering the Sacred

This is a wonderful article on what Spirituality is and how to nurture it:

Lori Deschene on Patheos.com


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year!!

A Very Belated and Blessed 2012 to ALL!!

I have been quiet because I was happily overrun with family at the holidaze and after party after party after travel after helping hosting after friends after travel after "What do you mean you have HOMEWORK OVER VACATION?!?" after sick after better after dazed...there is the bliss of no one in my house but me and cats.

Silence is a wonderful blessed thing.  I am very lucky that my mind has been pretty clear.  Oh, there has been stress but under it is a calm.  This calm says, calmly, "get through this and then rest."

And that is what I have been doing.

I don't know if its because I am just getting older and slowing down (down from 100 mph to maybe 70 mph BTW) or if I have found a kind of peace.  If its peace then its knowing that I am ok and my life is ok and I don't need the validation anymore.  Maybe its the peace of "oh thank goddess the holidaze are over" or the peace and promise of a new year.  If its slowing down and my body is (rightfully) protecting me than so be it.  I need the protection.  I have miles to go before I am old and feeble and whatever help my body wants to give me then I will take it.

Winter is the time of hibernation.  Winter is the time of coming back to you before the blossoms of spring rouse you to go out and see the world.  Maybe that is what I am doing...well, whatever it is I like it.

Have a cup of tea with me and bask in the warmth and the silence,
Until next time,