Imbolc is a Gaelic word and it means literally “in the Belly” which some take to mean milk or milking. If we lived in a farming community, this would be the start of the breeding season and the cows have milk. But this isn't a day just about milk and cows. This time of year can also be called the Quickening. Spring is coming!! It may not seem like it with the cold and wind but it really is. The darkest of Winter is over! The sun is staying out longer. The earth is getting soft from the snow running off as water and its muddy not icy. Dead branches have been knocked down to clear the way for new life. This is the traditional time to start planting.
Speaking of traditions, Imbolc has a wide range of them, from lesser known to what we all know. I'll start in Ireland where it was the most celebrated because this is Brigid's day – call her Goddess or Mother or Saint – Feb 2nd is her day. Brigid is associated with sacred flames, holy wells, healing and crafts. Brigid is a virgin, yet also the patron of midwives. To honor her little dolls are made and placed in baskets on this day and these are called Brid's bed. Children can carry these from house to house to bestow blessings on the community and to “let Brigid in”. You can also make Brigid's Crosses on this day, as a matter of fact you are only supposed to make them once a year and then throw the old one on the fire – to symbolize the passing of the year. I do something similar by saving a piece of my christmas wreath or tree and I burn this on Imbolc.
Candlemas is the Christian name for this holiday. In the 4th century, when the feast of Christmas was introduced as December 25th Candlemas then fell 40 days later. It is the honoring of the Virgin Mary and her Purification after giving birth. This is the most Ancient of all the festivals to honor Mary. But why candles? Well, according to Pope Innocent XII, since February was once dedicated to Demeter and Persephone and since Demeter "sought her daughter with candles" “...the holy fathers could not get rid of the custom, they ordained that Christians should carry about candles in honor of the Blessed Virgin; and thus what was done before in the honor Demeter is now done in honor of Mary” or as I like to call it, All Goddesses are one Goddess.
So...after all of may ask...Why a groundhog?
Well, it stems from an ancient belief that ANY hibernating creature is able to predict the arrival of springtime by their emergence. There have been a variety of animals that can do this: snakes, badgers, bears and when the Germans got here... they found groundhogs...
If Candlemas be fair and bright,
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.
Winter has another flight.
If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
Winter will not come again.
In order to welcome the joy of spring into our hearts we need to have a Spring Clean. The year is starting to grow and we make plans and plant seeds. What new beginnings do you want to have?
With this intention place yourself in a sacred space, take a few deep cleansing breaths. Now what spring cleaning do you need to do? Do you need to let go of self doubt? To let your fears or bygones go so that you may move forward? There is something in each of us that we need to let go of. Shake it off of you. Shake your head, hands, body, and feet! Shake the negative away from you and let it fall like dust around you (and when you get a second sweep it away!)
Your mind and your heart should be less dark now. Bring in the your heart, mind and soul. Welcome Brigid, Welcome Spring. In Joy and Love I wish all of you a Blessed Imbolc, a warm spring and a wonderful new year.
So mote it be.