I am happy to report that I will be leaving on vacation and that I will return to this space in 2 weeks or so...if I have free time maybe I will post something anyway...but until then I may post a few quotes or websites that I find interesting and fun...
Like this:
"We are not evil. We don't harm or seduce people. We are not dangerous. We are ordinary people like you. We have families, jobs, hopes, and dreams. We are not a cult. This religion is not a joke. We are not what you think we are from looking at T.V. or movies. We are real. We laugh, we cry. We are serious. We have a sense of humor. You don't have to be afraid of us. We don't want to convert you. And please don't try to convert us. Just give us the same right we give you--to live in peace. We are much more similar to you than you think."
~ Margot Adler
NPR Corespondent and Wicca Priestess
Have a Wonderful Spring!